If you don't apply moisturizer to your skin, it gets oilier. Is that the same for your hair?


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Monica M.

Aug 23, 2012

Monica M.

So I have oily skin and everyone says if you don't apply a moisturizer to your skin after washing it, it's going to produce more oil. I completely agree but the same people say to only shampoo your roots and only condition the ends. This makes no sense to me and my oily hair is not getting any better. What do you think? Do you think conditioning my scalp will reduce oil production?

Aug 23, 2012

Edie M.

It's exactly the same for your hair. Your body knows what it needs, but sometimes ends up overcompensating for the things it lacks. Your hair needs conditioning, depriving any part of this will cause it to produce more oil. 

Aug 23, 2012

Kaylah A.

Someones if your scalp gets clogged (using crappy shampoo and conditioner) your oil glands over work themselves and produce more oil and it makes your hair oily more often. I advise getting salon brand products (they dont have as many additives as drug store). A clarifying shampoo to use once a week, and a regular shampoo and conditioner. Also, only condition your ends. Hope this helps!