How do you fill in your eyebrows with out making them looking weird?


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Sep 30, 2013

Terissa G.

I've attached a picture if my MOTD, and I feel that I need to fill in my eye brows, but when I fill them in they look drawn on. Help!!

Sep 30, 2013

Monique G.


Sep 30, 2013

Terissa G.

Is this with a pencil? Or powder??

Sep 30, 2013

Rachel R J.

If you eyebrow hairs are really light, use an eyeshadow that 1-2 shades darker. If your eyebrow hairs are really dark, use and eyeshadow that 1-2 shades lighter.

Sep 30, 2013

Monique G.

It's a powder :) you have perfect eyebrows for gradient eyebrows :)) 😍

Sep 30, 2013

Diana T.

If they look drawn in its probably because you are either using too many harsh lines on the outside or you are filling outside of your natural brow line making it look unnatural - try just filling with powder and only line the bottom and outer corners with pencil if needed but I find just filling with powder n no outline looks the most natural - you still want your eyebrow hair to show that is the key.

Sep 30, 2013

Shaye M.

Maybe not use a pencil, I find powders are better.

Well you are basically drawing them on by filling them in.

But any who, I would got with Monique's pictorial. If you don't them to be as 'shaded' then you can do small brush strokes along your natural eyebrow and concentrate more of the product on the tail and arch. You can also conceal your brow just like Monique did. But if you don't want to use concealer you can always use foundation. I usually use concealer for the bottom and foundation for the top (I got that tip from Chrisspy on YouTube)

I would suggest a brow pencil. A retractable one. They're usually more precise. You can do lil strokes in the same direction your natural hair is going and grab a little disposable mascara wand and just blend while you brush you brow hairs in place.

Hopefully that helped an made sense lol.

Good luck. 💋

Sep 30, 2013

Minni S.

ty @diggie g.

Sep 30, 2013

Terissa G.

Thank you so much @monique g! Great video! Trying this asap.

Sep 30, 2013

Terissa G.

First attempt!! Yay or nay?

Sep 30, 2013

Rain L.

I've been filling in my eyebrows for years. Always use powder it looks more natural and lasts longer. I use Urban Decays Brow box, its great. Just put the powder at the bottom and brush it up. Also just use a lash/brow wand to remove excess powder. That picture looks like you don't need anymore advice though!

Sep 30, 2013

Terissa G.

Yay!! 😄😄

Sep 30, 2013

Monique G.

Look great!! :) good job.

Oct 1, 2013

Diana T.

looks great girl!