Somebody Pleasee HELP!


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Sep 16, 2013

Katie S.

Ladies Please help me! iwant to have big volumize curl BUT my hair will NOT curl! right now I'm using this its by Jilbere igot it from Sallys. itried everything! iput heat protecting spray, itryed smaller pieces of hair to curl, iput it on low/high heat. Nothing it will not curl! ladiess please help me:(

Sep 16, 2013

Katie S.

Ialso tried hair spray, and ill curl the hair and leave it in for lik 45 seconds.. I'm so upset right now=( lol

Sep 16, 2013

Paloma P.

Honestly you might just need a better curler. My hair is stubborn and my straightener/curler go up to over 400 degrees! Big curls are the hardest to hold, so I usually section my hair and spray hairspray for each section.

Sep 16, 2013

Katie S.

Oka thanks this was $45 at sallys ireally didnt want to spend that much on it but iguess I'm going to have to lol

Sep 16, 2013

Ashley L.

Maybe try larger hot curlers.. rollers lol. or even a curling wand. or maybe do pin curls over night and then you csn hsve tight curls one day and tge next they will be bigger and looser.

Sep 16, 2013

Katie S.

Thanks Ashley thats a good idea=)