What makes a youtube channel attractive to YOU?


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Hi guys,

my name is Marlene and my youtube channel is www.youtube.com/user/aymonegirl?feature=mhee
and I would like to know what makes a youtube channel attractive, or what makes you sub to a youtuber?

I would like to hear from you guys to make sure that I can apply some of your thoughts and suggestions to my channel.

Now I will answer my own question and say, what makes a youtube channel attractive to me are the following elements:

1. Great lighting. I can't and wont sub to dark and poorly lit video because they hurt my eyes. I will no squint for 10 minutes.

2. Great decor. I love a great background. It doesn't have to be loud as in have too much stuff but it needs to fun and inviting.

3. A neat set up. I can't stand people who film anything beauty related in a messy environment, such as a messy room, open closet doors, etc. To me these are too distracting and how can you give great advice if you don't care to present yourself in the best light possible.

4. Great thumbnails, even though those hard to get if you are not a youtube partner.

5. Someone who is not afraid to look straight into the camera

6. The channel needs to have more than 10 videos because with 4 or less videos, how can I tell if i really like you and how can I tell if you are going to be consistent with your postings.

I'll think of more and get back to you guys.

Please participate

someone who is being herself