What should I be for Halloween.


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Sep 16, 2013

Alhan Z.

Tell me please and show me pictures or videos.

Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

Be a Disney character like Stitch from Lelo and Stitch, Mooshoo from Mulan, or Sullivan from monsters inc. they are so cute but no one ever does them. And you really don't need makeup unless you want to.
Just get a sweater and sew stuff on it, like this pikachu sweater I did. I'm going to be making a tutorial on Stitch soon once I get the sweater :)
I'm not very good at sewing but I found this pretty easy. ^_^

Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

If your not up to sewing here is some makeup ideas

Cyber girl

Sep 16, 2013

Alhan Z.


Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.


Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

Dragon girl

Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

Are you going to do makeup or do clothing? I don't know what you want lol ^_^

Sep 16, 2013

Alhan Z.

Both lol

Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

Lol ok sweet ^_^

Sep 16, 2013

Lily C.

Maybe like a creepy doll!!

Sep 16, 2013

Micheala S.

A) shannon I want that hoodie :D (so bad)
b) I'm going as a pokemon trainer in celebration of X/Y coming out the 12th (less than a month)

Sep 16, 2013

Shannon B.

That awesome MIcheala. It would be pretty awesome if you got someone to dress up as pikachu to go with the Pokemon trainer :)
Are you interested in sewing one up? I'm going to be making a tutorial and I could always post it to you. Lol

Sep 16, 2013

Amanda F.

Medical person? Aha

Sep 16, 2013

Lucy B.

Me and my friend are going to be starbucks baristas

Sep 16, 2013

Hannah S.

I love doing fake wounds, so maybe something with that? Like a zombie or something?? Or if you're going for cute you could be like Nancy Drew!!

Sep 16, 2013

Fiona S.

Little red riding hood! Get a red cloak and do natural pink or bold red lip color and a little dark eye shadow here I'll try to find a pic! :)

Sep 16, 2013

Fiona S.

Oh Lucy! I like that idea! Haha cool!

Sep 16, 2013

Fiona S.

Ugh! All of the costumes were so stupid so I looked up cloaks. Like this maybe?

Sep 16, 2013

Fiona S.

Or this?

Sep 16, 2013

Fiona S.

So yea all you would need is a cloak and woven basket, and I little but of make up! :)

Sep 16, 2013

Elizabeth C.

cute nurse

Sep 17, 2013

Alhan Z.
