Super quick question


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Sep 17, 2013

Chrissy M.

Morning or night shower? And why would you rather one over the other? Just wondering.

Sep 17, 2013

Jess R.

Night! So I don't sleep in my bed all gross! :P unless I'm on my period :/ then... Both.

It depends! If I have boxing or training ill take a night one, which is every day except Saturday and Sunday. But if I run in the morning I take a morning one as well just to clean off and I don't wash my hair! I run every other day, and for me it's not a problem because my natural hairs nice so I don't have to docit.

Sep 17, 2013

Ari C.

Totally depends. I never wanna go to bed icky so I usually take one at night , but if I do something in morning shower worthy, then yea both.

Sep 17, 2013

Katie F.

Well I wash/blowdry my hair on Sundays (during the day) and Wednesdays (right after school) and then I shower at night other days with a shower cap.

Sep 17, 2013

Angelica Z.

Night cause I have drill team practice 1st period for school, so ill end up sweaty either way. but when I don't have morning practices, I perfer night :)

Sep 17, 2013

Halie C.

Night. You sleep better when you're fresh and clean lol.

Sep 17, 2013

Miss E.

Morning because my hair doesn't like being wet going to bed (even if it is dry it looks bad when I wake up)

Sep 17, 2013

Brittany L.

I take mine every morning but a lot of times ill take 2 just cus I feel like it.. Showers are relaxing lol.. But it depends on if you feel like gettin up early to take one. They wake me up and make me feel refreshed

Sep 17, 2013

Abbey B.

Morning. It gets me going for the day.

Sep 17, 2013

Sarah C.


Sep 17, 2013

Kitty K.

Both. People don't seem to realize they smell if they don't do both.. And I have very curly hair so I need to wet it to style it.

Sep 17, 2013

Melanie H.

Morning. I don't feel right going to school being as fresh as possible. However I wash my hair every other day lol.

Sep 17, 2013

Madison O.

Night, then while it's still damp I braid it so its pretty and wavy in the morning(:

Sep 17, 2013

Crystal C.

Night because I'm honestly quite the lagger. Like I will probably get distracted by my phone or T.V. Oh and did I mention my phone? Besides at night I could always French braid my hair and in the morning I could just do my makeup, get dressed and just unbraid my hair and then BAM 💥 I'm ready for the day.

Sep 17, 2013

Sam R.

Both and sometimes 3 times on a Sunday

Sep 17, 2013

Ashley D.

Night, not enough time in the morning and I like to let my hair dry naturally, which takes forever.

Sep 17, 2013

Axita S.

Morning!! wen I workout I am all sweaty!! then both!"

Sep 17, 2013

Chelsey R.

Night so then your sheets stay more clean which is better for your skin andddd it's a lot faster to get ready in the morning!

Sep 17, 2013

Honey E.

Night! my sheets stay cleaner, I don't have to blow dry, and I dony run the risk being too busy to shower in the morning

Sep 17, 2013

Mistreece L.

Nights...unless its summertime both.

Sep 17, 2013

Bridget N.

Night because you will be cleaned when you go to sleep.

Sep 17, 2013

Emily B.

Night shower because then I can just sleep a tad big longer :)

Sep 17, 2013

Jaelyn D.

I do both but If I had to choose night. Because you get rid of all the dirt from the day and it relaxes you.

Sep 17, 2013

McKenna R.

Morning! There's no point in taking a shower at night because you're just going to sleep on it.