Youtube/ Twitter /Blog/ Facebook Friends


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Hello Ladies, as a fellow beauty blooger/youtuber I think we should all support each other. After all we have basically the same interest, which should help making friends on this site. I would love to make some new friends who have the same passion as me! :) So, post your links here. And be sure to FOLLOW everyone who follows you, don't be selfish and not return the favor. Also, if you are intesrested in doing a collab video/blog in the future let me know. I've been wanting todo one for the longest. Don't be strangers ladies. :) Well have a nice day!


Aug 10, 2012

Kalynn K.

I am somewhat a new youtuber and I make videos and it would mean so much to me if you guys could possibly check my videos and/or channel out. Thanks!

Aug 10, 2012

Maylin R.

Hey! I have a youtube. Will check you out.

Aug 10, 2012

Maylin R.

My youtube is

Kalynn: I just checked out your channel :)
Maylin: I already had subscribe to you :)