Is there a skin care product that.


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Oct 4, 2013

Yolande P.

Aims to get rid of breakouts caused by stress? I break out 10x worse while being at school on holidays or weekends my skin is usually ok but at school my skin likes to break out crazy especially my cheeks! I have dermotoligist thursday and I'm going on the pill but I need a face wash and scrub plus a spot treatment! please help,and would not wearing makeup help? I refuse to step out of the house without foundation on is there any foundations that cause less or no break outs? just any info please girls?!

Oct 4, 2013

Annie L.

ProActive really helps!!

Oct 4, 2013

Veronica E.

@AnnieL Totally agree!

Oct 4, 2013

Ahliyah A.

I absolutely love using Mary Kay acne spot treatment, it is amazing. I don't break out very often, but when I do it clears up my breakout really quickly. Like I apply it to the breakout twice daily, and I see big results by the next morning.

Oct 4, 2013

Ahliyah A.

And I use it as a preventive sometimes in the areas of my face that I'm prone to breaking out in.

Oct 4, 2013

Ahliyah A.

Sorry it's called acne treatment gel. :)

Oct 4, 2013

Ahliyah A.

Here's a pic of it.

Oct 4, 2013

Ahliyah A.

And using a toner helps to keep breakouts at bay. I have oily skin, so I use it morning and night. But if you have normal skin than you can use it maybe once a day.

Oct 4, 2013

Ashley D.

I think its netrogena or clean and clear that has a cleanser for acne caused by stress.

Oct 4, 2013

Mistreece L.

PCA acne treatment

Oct 5, 2013

Chelsea V.

My friend used pro active and it dried her out and made her skin really flaky, so use it with caution!
I use Cetaphil, I used to have severe acne and Cetaphil was so gentle and got rid of it!

Oct 5, 2013

Jenny F.

I would opt against ProActive because it's either a miracle or it's TERRIBLE for your skin. I know that Freeman has a facemask for stress. I think it's a dead sea mineral one. It comes in a blue package and is like $2-$4 depending where you get it. Freeman masks are literally amazing. And they're soo inexpensive.

Oct 5, 2013

Haley B.

I haven't found anything yet either but I would not recommend proactive, it dried out my skin and didn't work.

Oct 5, 2013

Karen F.

Netrogena have a line dedicated to stress related acne I think :)