Hand Sanitizer Problem


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Oct 3, 2013

Lucia M.

So um this may sound weird but since starting high school I have become more germ conscious so I wanna use hand sanitizer but I have bad easily brought exzama so please any advicee??

Oct 3, 2013

Jenna E.

Try to find a lotion with sanitizing properties?

Try a cleansing lotion!

Oct 3, 2013

Emma L.

Wouldn't recommend alcohol and eczema! Would probs hurt and make it worse!

Oct 3, 2013

Alyx T.

Don't use it to often. You're only supposed to use hand sanitizer when you know you just touched something germy or you're about to eat and you can't get to a sink to wash up. In the long run people who use hand sanitizer everyday or more than once a day are more susceptible to germs than the people who don't use it because overtime it breaks down the layers in the skin, leaving you with less protection.
My cousin in high school was very germ crazy and would use hand sanitizer pretty much every few hours and now she has to be on medication because her immune system is weakened due to it having to fight extra hard. I'm not saying don't use it. But when you can avoid using it (when there's a bathroom near) don't take the easy way and just use the hand sanitizer.

Oct 3, 2013

Shelley W.

Took the words right out of my mouth @Lyxy. Those sanitizers should be last resort as they do nothing to stop the super bugs that are coming up.

Oct 3, 2013

Jennifer P.

1. Try carrying good wipes, and use them thoroughly instead if sanitizer.
2. Carry a little spray bottle of tea tree oil mixed with a gentle oil like olive oil.
3. Use a heavy moisturizer immediately after.
4. Use hand washing whenever possible instead of sanitizer. Using cloth our air dry irritates less than paper towels.
5. Use a cream with colloidal oatmeal. I use aveeno eczema therapy cream mixed with cocoa butter Vaseline.
I have eczema and I am also a nursing assistant. So after months of cracking dry hands I had to come up with something that works.

Oct 4, 2013

Hannah C.

Body shop have a hand cream with antiseptic in it. it smells lovely and cleans.

Oct 4, 2013

Shauna S.

Just don't use it that often. Find hand sanitizer that has aloe and/or shea butter. It's not that great for your skin and you don't want to make your eczema worse so just try washing your hands with soap and water in the bathroom instead of using hand sanitizer. You can't really avoid touching germs, you will get sick anyway since lots of bacteria is airborne

Oct 4, 2013

Kyraa D.

Like these ladies said, not too often! my aunt went crazy on the hand sanitizer & within a couple months or so she had red sores all over her hands. try washing your hands instead, & then I'd moisturize afterwards.