Nose and contouring


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I have a what they call pig / button nose I hate it and I want to know if there is a way of contouring it please help xx

Oct 6, 2013

Sherrilee H.

Okay :) so grab a colour that is a shade darker then your foundation & add that to both sides of your nose, also add some on the tip of your nose, be sure to blend!! into your foundation :)

Oct 6, 2013

Sherrilee H.

&! I just thought I'd add & say your nose is perfect! nothing bad about it at all! I get told I have a ski jump slope /: haha! I even cried it got to me, but now I don't care bcauz if I had another nose on my face.. I wouldn't look like me. & my mouth or somthing else would then be to different :)
I think your nose is perfect how it is :)

Aw thanks you so much I just hate my nose and your beautiful so never say your not

Oct 6, 2013

Sherrilee H.

I like your nose! there's nothing wrong with any of your facial features :) you're quite a stunning person! x

Oct 6, 2013

Lynzie B.

Here's a image

Oct 6, 2013

Katherine T.

SO DO I OMG I hate it also but I'm going to read these answers cause I need it haha.

Oct 6, 2013

Isabel M.

Please don't! You have a really cute nose and honestly it makes you look more exotic! Would you rather look like a clone? You're gorgeous. But if you want , contour very lightly!

Oct 6, 2013

Anastasia R.

I wish I had a button nose, I have a huge nose, haha. Try this 😊

Oct 6, 2013

Anastasia R.

And Your really pretty!