Help With Eyelashes?!


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Oct 5, 2013

Katie W.

My eyelashes always stick together and I can't get them apart again! I've tried using a clean mascara brush to separate them but that doesn't work either! any ideas?🌸sorry about the picture..

Oct 5, 2013

Yolande P.

I can see a few that have but they look fine and you have pretty eyes :) do you curl them before? I curl mine and they never stick together.

Oct 5, 2013

Katie W.

No, my curler broke!! I need to buy a new one:) and thankyou!!

Oct 5, 2013

Kayla M.

Use an eyelash comb... It works on mine and you can get them anywhere!

Oct 5, 2013

Honey E.

I use my eyelash comb as well. Remember to kind of wiggle your hand as you apply mascara!

Oct 5, 2013

Isabella K.

Get an eyebrow comb and separate them
Orr get the mascara comb on a vertical position and separate them
But honestly, they look just fine.

Oct 5, 2013

Isabella K.

Or you can wiggle us mascara wand on a Z motion while you apply it.

Oct 5, 2013

Isabella K.

And I find that curling your eyelashes first really helps.

Oct 5, 2013

Rebekah K.

I've heard that using a toothpick to separate them helps bit I've never tried it