Going to a dermatologist?


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Sep 22, 2013

Catey P.

I just wanted to ask around about everybody's experiences with a dermatologist.

I've had really bad pizza face since I was a teenager, and I just turned 25. I've tried every topical solution I can afford- sea salt, honey, bioglycolic cleansers, salicyclic acid cleansers, toners, moisturizers, scrubs, serums. I drink more and more and more water and exercise. I haven't missed washing my face in almost 2 years. Nothing makes any difference.

All I want is a few years without acne before I start getting wrinkles... is that too much to ask?!

Sep 22, 2013

Laura L.

Have you tried contraceptive pills? I had severe acne when I was a teenager n they prescribed me dianette contraceptive pills and they really do work because sometimes its to do with your hormones:)

Sep 22, 2013

Mary T.

Getting a clarisonic and using it twice a day with alphahydroxy acids instead of salisylic (sp on both?). Also I would check your makeup. If you use anything drugstore the ingredients can be harmful to sensitive skin like cystic acne. Also you have to wash twice if you have makeup on. Once to get the makeup off and once to exfoliate skin buildup. Also the area of acne also says a lot. Look up face mapping. I never found an easy solution for acne. I'm 31 with close to perfect skin now. It's all about regime. Look up skin care in your thirties and twenties. Learn as much as you can. Higher end products are better on your skin too and sephora has a great return policy.

Sep 22, 2013

Catey P.

Laura: I've tried every kind of birth control EXCEPT the pill! (haha) I've been on the implant for 4 years now because it works the best for me to perform it's primary function, but it doesn't help acne. My boyfriend is considering a vasectomy because we're really not planning on having kids, but preventing a pregnancy is my #1 priority and I don't trust myself to remember taking the pill every day.

Mary: I have mostly jawline acne, which is generally hormonal. That's why I want to see a dermatologist. I've been trying Sephora brands for a while, mostly Ole Henriksen, but when I do a side-by-side comparison on my face for a couple weeks the treated side never looks any different than the side that gets only drugstore products. I love the way the high end products smell, but they cost way too much money if there isn't a noticeable difference. (And isn't exfoliating twice a day too much exfoliation for skin?)

Sep 22, 2013

Valerie S.

I think you should go see a dermatologist.I went there when I had really (!) bad acne and he prescribed me some lotions,cleansers and serums that really helped my skin.Now I only occasionally have some blackheads on the nose and forehead.I hope you can get rid of it,I know the feeling ;)

Sep 22, 2013

Kenzie L.

Catey P. if you honestly feel like you've tried everything then a derm is a great option. I would do thorough research and find a very well reviewed doctor with solid references. about exfoliation, there's no right or wrong amount of times you should exfoliate. everyone has different skin that needs different treatment. I made a really helpful post called 'the truth about exfoliation' that has some links to very informative articles :)

Sep 22, 2013

Jennifer S.

Jawline acnr can sometimes indicate polysystic ovarian syndrome. just go to dr youll get the best answers there.

Sep 22, 2013

Danny C.

I agree w Mary about the alpha hydroxy its a great way to gently exfoliate without being abrasive.it needs to be a product that is left on for a period of time though. if its something that is just to wash your face it won't be on long enough to give any kind of result. I have to disagree that you have to splurge on higher end drug store products can sometimes be just as good as long as the ph is balanced and the ingredients can back up what the product claims it can do. alpha hydrox is a great drug store brand all there products are ph balanced and work great. as for the derm ask about retin-a its great for acne as well as wrinkles. solodyn is a great antibiotic for acne not the generic though the name brand ,it works way better. good luck