Can I Pull this coloor off? if not...suggestions?


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Sep 24, 2013

Honey E.

I think so :)

Sep 24, 2013

Sarah M.

you look gorgeous

Sep 24, 2013

Jasmine S.

That woupd be cool!

Sep 24, 2013

Lexi V.

Oh my gosh that would be so pretty! do it! :)

Yeah you could, Asians can always pull of crazy colors! Haha you would have to bleach your hair though, and I don't recommend doing that at home! Go to a salon and bleach it to ATLEAST a light brown, then use temp hair dye! Dyes like manic panic last about 2 months and the tub will give you like 3 uses.

Sep 24, 2013

Carol D.

A crazy color for me but it would suit you :) you havr cute features such a color can make you more cute who knows?? ;)

Sep 24, 2013

Abbie H.

I think it would look great!

Sep 25, 2013

Hannah G.

I agree with Brittany about having to beach it. But you can bleach your hair at home. And bleach it to as close to white as you can, it will help the color be incredibly bright and last longer. I use manic panic when I dye a streak in my hair and it works well for me.

Just a few tips: after you bleach your hair, blow dry it before you put the purple in. After you put the purple in, put it up in a shower cap so you can move around as it sets. Blow dry your hair with the dye in it for several minutes then let it set for longer before you wash it out. Do not mega scrub your hair when you wash it or you'll scrub out with color. When you buy your dye, buy a one or two dollar deep conditioner to use after you dye it. Ask a professional hair stylist about a good shampoo to use. Most brands that claim to have color protecting shampoos and conditioners like Herbal Essences, Suave, and Gariner(sp?) will shade your hair quicker than normal shampoo. But make sure to use a really good color protecting shampoo.