Setting Eyeliner on Fire!


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May 22, 2012

Morgan M.

Is there anyone else out there that has found that lighting your eyeliner w. a lighter does WONDERS?? It not only makes your drugstore eyeliner stay on ALL DAY, but it also makes it darker as well as easier to apply!

May 22, 2012

Robyn S.

Never would have even thought of something like that...ever haha

May 22, 2012

Zoe C.

Really?! I'll have to try that, wow xD

Ah, yeah, Nikkie(Tutorials) does that all the time.

May 22, 2012

Mindy N.

Hmm, interesting... i never knew!

May 22, 2012

Naomi B.

That's a old trick I can recall my mom doing when I was a little girl, Must have worked cause she did it for yrs lol

May 23, 2012

karissa b.

That's crazy haha

May 23, 2012

Shelley W.

Girls were doing that back in highschool (early '90's) so that is super old school. I wouldn't attempt it with my gel liner pencils though. Works well with a kohl pencil. 

May 24, 2012

Elizabeth G.

I'd be afraid my whole pencil would go up in flames cause it's wood hahahah, with my luck i'd burn down my house!

May 24, 2012

ashley h.

i usually light the lighter & stick the end of the pencil up to it, not actually touching the flame. i sort of wave it back & forth a few times & always make sure it's not too hot.

I heat mine with the hair drier. 

I heat mine with the hair drier. 

May 27, 2012

Sherry W.

I thought everyone did this? Maybe it is just older people? I bought a Kohl Pencil from Rimmel that way I wouldn't have to do that. But I am surprised at all the people who haven't done this. All you do is take a lighter and hover your pencil over it you don't have to put it directly into the flame, plus if you did that it would probably just melt everywhere. It doesn't take much. 

May 27, 2012

Ayanna P.

@AndreasChoice talked about that once in one of her videos! I did it once and it did make it go on easier...I've since forgotten about it lol

May 27, 2012

Jessica H.

I used to do it all the time, especially when I bought Maybelline's Expertwear brow and eye pencil. It was amazing. 

I literally thought you meant AFTER it was on your eye. Wow. Karen Smith from Mean Girls moment..... =P

May 31, 2012

nicole t.

Yeah i used to heat mine with my hair dryer on full heat lol :) 

Jun 22, 2012

Cheyanne T.

i use to have to do that cause it would not go on only if you would catch it on fire

I always do this with hard pencil liners. I have one from Warpaint that's gorgeous, but putting it on feels like im bruising my waterline x.x So I hold it over my lighter, roll it around a bit so it's evenly heated, and then put it on! It's almost like toasting a marshmallow. Except it's eyeliner. xD

Jun 23, 2012

Morgan M.

I LOVE doing that! It honestly makes your eyeliner look amazing. But that means i had to keep a lighter in my makeup bag, that might get you in trouble! Haha

Jun 23, 2012

Olivia G.

Wow that's awesome, will have to try it :)One question though..... Does it affect the overall state of your pencil? Or does it just go back to normal once it has cooled?

Lol Lacey, I thought that as well :S

Jun 24, 2012

Lorena C.

I've been doing this forever and I love it! I keep a lighter in my purse so I can do it on the go as well.

Richelle- to be honest it only affects the colorful part of your pencil, so the black or brown or whatever color you're using. As it melts the tip will go down and may take on an odd shape, but it's nothing a quick sharpening won't fix =)

Jul 4, 2013

Sevetria M.

Been doing that for years.