I know this isn't the right section...But what are your guys workout routine??


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Jul 15, 2013

Kat R.

1.5 hour jog daily. 3 times a week I try to incorporate some weight or resistance training. very light though.

Jul 15, 2013

Yasmine D.

I'm going to start doing these.

Jul 15, 2013

Alex H.

Try intervals of walking and running, look up couch25k on the Internet and follow the plan to help you build up your running. I started on the treadmill because we have one at home but you could also do this outside or at a park, there are also iPhone apps for it that let you know when to switch between running and walking/jogging :)

Jul 15, 2013

Mary P.

I started following blogilates on youtube. definitely a grest change since my body got used to my regular routine. every day should be a different section that you work out so that your muscles don't become exshausted.

Jul 15, 2013

Adrianna M.

I would just get the zumba wii game.