If you've got it flaunt it.


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Jul 16, 2013

Alexis B.

I honestly think people should dress the way they want too. If a woman wants to dress provocative then that's her prerogative and you shouldn't judge. It's annoying and very negative.

Jul 16, 2013

Mackenzie C.

How'd you do it velen.

Jul 16, 2013

Gen C.

I agree!! but not if the girls like showing everrryyyything then its like not the business.. lol.

Jul 16, 2013

Mackenzie C.

What is quinoa?

Jul 16, 2013

Mackenzie C.

I'm a swimmer and I go to the gym everyday! But ill look into that:) thank you!

Jul 16, 2013

Mackenzie C.

How long did it take you to loose that weight?

Jul 16, 2013

Caitlyn B.

I agree with you Alexis, women should however they want to, whatever pleases them. But personally, if I see women who dresses with zero self respect, I have no respect for her. This really only applies for actions as well with her look.

Jul 16, 2013

Caitlyn B.

Exactly Velen! Suggestive is one thing, that's fine. Plain exposure is disgusting to me.

Jul 16, 2013

Gen C.


Jul 16, 2013

Diana T.

In the words of Dave chapelle... yes ladies you can wear whatever you want if you got it flaunt and all that good stuff... but if you wear a "hoe's" uniform.. don't get mad coz someone mistakes you for a hoe... the equivalent would be someone dressed in a cop's uniform then somebody on the street needs help and go ask that person in the cop uniform and the "cop" is offended.. and says "just because I dress this way - does NOT mean I AM this way!" but guess what you wearing the uniform so don't get mad when ppl mistake you for one... just saying... if you haven't seen that Dave chappelle skit you have to watch it is hilarious! :P and I hope I didn't offend anyone but I do have my days when I wanna wear some hooker heels n a short dress that barely covers my ass.. and I know I'm "hoe-ing" it up but I do think there is a time n a place to let it all hang out and a time n place to be conservative... but that's just me :T.

Jul 16, 2013

Megan T.

Diana - Exactly. & I like that cop comparison (:

Jul 16, 2013

Ashley L.

@ Diana that made me laugh!! I love Dave Chappell.. and that is so tru haha..

Jul 16, 2013

Sharifa S.

@Diana your crazy lmao. But I agree with everything you said😂

Jul 17, 2013

Diana T.

Well I would think if your wearing the same thing I saw a stripper wearing at the strip club would constitute a "hoe's" uniform but hey everybody needs to make a living do what you have to do ladies - no judgement here - just saying it annoys me when girls are "flaunting" what they got then get offended when ppl stare... but obviously you are dressing that way for attention so please just stop - if you flaunt it then be proud when the guys whistle n shower you with compliments isnt that the point of the outfit? anyways there is nothing with being promiscuous and/or dressing provacatively I'm just saying if you rly are flaunting it then be proud n get off your high horse that's all... like I said please don't take offense I'm just expressing my personal opinion as we all are entitled to one :)

Jul 17, 2013

Diana T.

Unfortunately we are all sexual beings and showing skin makes us think about sex and imagine what the person looks like naked - but even fully clothed people are still going to perverts and ESP men always have sex on their mind - but like I said there is nothing wrong with that we all have our vices and I'm just saying if your going to show some skin don't get mad when ppl stare n droll over the overflowing beauty that has emerged... that's all.