What are some things that girls do with their makeup that you hate?


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Jul 15, 2013

Mikayla B.

What do you hate? Okay like seriously, the bad tan, raccoon eyes, and bad eyebrows! I mean she has fake eyelashes and nails and she looks so fake! I mean people can rock the eyelashes and fake nails and not look fake, they just don't work if done poorly. What do you hate?

Jul 15, 2013

Imane T.

I totally agree with you , a girl in my class doesn't know how to apply foundation and it's just appears too cakey. That's why I always use BB cream.

Jul 15, 2013

Sumaiya A.

I hate it when girls wear really big false lashes. If I wore them, I'd at least wear ones that look less obvious.

Jul 15, 2013

Nour A.

I don't like how ppl wear too much makeup because ppl are too use to that person to wear makeup but when the makeup is off, she will look like a monater.

Jul 15, 2013

Nour A.


Jul 15, 2013

Mikayla B.

@Emily tell her. She'll probably be offended but she'll thank you later.

Jul 15, 2013

Ana P.

I feel disgusted when I see a woman with her makeup poorly applyed. since I started doing my makeup and stuff the first thing I check on a woman its what's she's using in her face jajajaja, and its awful when you find she's using lipstick like a clown and lightener as a shadow looking like a white panda.-.

Jul 15, 2013

Carlissa T.

I seriously hate people who have skinny skinny LONG winged eyeliner like what the hell? It just really bothers me like just watch a simple tutorial on winged eyeliner it's not hard!

Jul 15, 2013

Adriana R.

I hate when girls use makeup to hide insecurities!

Jul 15, 2013

MacKenzie N.

I HATEEEE dark under eye liner that's really thick.

Jul 16, 2013

Carolina P.

I hate people who cake on foundation, where a tonn of foundation and don't need it, don't blend their foundation to their neck, thickkkk eyeliner on their bottom lash line and their is this one girl in my school who wears a tonn of blush that she looks like a clown!!

Jul 16, 2013

Jennifer P.

I think everyone needs to chill and let people be who they want to be and wear whatever makeup they want to wear, and stop bashing each other.

Jul 16, 2013

Roz X.

I'm with you, Jen.

Jul 16, 2013

Kaitlin T.

It bothers me when their foundation is orange, not their skin color

Jul 16, 2013

Gracey L.

LOL she didnt forget to tan her fingers its just the flash that makes them lighter lmao.

Jul 16, 2013

Gracey L.

Annnnd I back up jens post 100%

Jul 16, 2013

Taijha M.

Yup. You can't blame people who are insecure for trying to cover up their insecurities. That's like blaming a poor person for trying to earn money and wishing to be rich. :/ But honestly, that tan! 😁

Jul 16, 2013

Katherine T.

Lipstick outside the lines of your actual lip, eyeshadow all the way up to their brow, and I mean like black ALL THE WAY UP THERE, I'm sorry but I don't like thick eyebrows at all, too red of blush, too dark foundation or a foundation line on their face, and eyeliner too thick, mascara clumpy, and I think that's it(: haha.

Jul 16, 2013

Melanie D.

I hate purple lipstick!

Jul 16, 2013

Mikayla B.

Haha omg.. The insecurities thing isn't really necessary. But bashing people? When celebrities have horrible makeup everyone cringes at it, it's not bashing people if there's no names.

Jul 16, 2013

Mikayla B.

It's fine. Just girl talk 😘❤

Jul 16, 2013

Becky T.

I hate it when their eyebrows look like slugs, when the foundation is the wrong colour and looks cakey and if there is a foundation line and I also hate it if they wear too much mascara

Jul 16, 2013

Laney E.

What is with all these threads about hate what do you hate this what do hate that like come on really

Jul 16, 2013

Mikayla B.

Its life lol