Are there any self harmers?


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Jul 15, 2013

Maddy D.

Post a comment if you have ever self harmed..and why.. I'm here for you!

Jul 15, 2013

Valkyrie F.

I self harmed because I have depression and anxiety. I found everything too hard and had to do something. Sounds stupid and a lot of people will make harsh judgements but, honestly, anybody who has ever self harmed has my sympathy. I've been in that dark place too and continue to battle against it.

Keep strong. :)

Jul 15, 2013

Courtney B.

Yes and now I'm mostly recovered. I've been diagnosed with depression and anxiety. If anyone needs to talk I'm here for you.

Jul 15, 2013

Krystal U.

Yes, I used to be anorexic and self harmed myself. But I'm slowly accepting my body and loving myself more. 3 months without cutting! :D be strong beauties! It does get better in the end!

Jul 15, 2013

Courtney B.

@Emma just be there for her. Tell her she can talk to you and trust you. Stuff like that. Don't get mad at her if she harms and don't place blame on her.

Jul 15, 2013

Valkyrie F.

I agree with Courtney. Never go mad at her for doing this. Tell her to try and find help. Maybe go to a couple of counselling sessions. Just support her and listen. It's upsetting but it's something a lot of people have to go through unfortunately but, she does need to find help.

Jul 15, 2013

Elana S.

I used to in grade 8 and 9. My mom found out about my eating disorders and I spiraled out of control trying to find another coping mechanism. I have since stopped for over a year. I do have scars, and they are noticeable, but I hide them with my makeup skills when I'm feeling self concious.

Jul 15, 2013

Jessie T.

I did a few years ago because I was depressed but I've recovered. I do have scars and they are noticeable but I'm not worried about hiding them. It's just part of my past.

I did, but I recently am 5 months free:) cutting is never worth it, and I wanna thank every one for being so strong! remember a scar is another battle that you overcame.

Jul 15, 2013

Elana S.

Congrats samantha I'm sooo proud of you!! 5 months is a huge accomplishment

And jessie, I am soooo proud of you for being ok going out with your scars. It takes a looot of courage and it took me sooo long to get that courage. You're such a brave brave girl<3

And for all you girls, if you ever EVER need anyone to talk to. Whether its about self harm, makeup, or you just wanna talk! You can email me any time whenever and ill respond asap. Here's my email: