How can I grow my hair fast?


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Jul 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

So this year I really want my hair all the way to my hips, tips on hair growth?

Jul 14, 2013

Erin M.

There are no magical hair growth tips honestly. Hair grows 1/2 a month on average, more or less depending on the person. There are things you can do to stimulate your hair growth in order to help the process along. Taking biotin supplements can help as its nothing but a B vitamin but you will need to drink a lot of water and not only the hair on your head will be effected. Massage your hair with peppermint oil or tea tree oil to get the follicles circulating and the blood flowing there, do this maybe once or twice a week. Get rid of your dead ends, so trim your hair when it needs it. Making sure to deep condition your hair maybe once a week or every other week. Sleep with on a satin pillow case and with a satin/bonnet or scarf at night (will keep your hair from rubbing against the pillow material and hurting it). And...that's all I can think of for now. Honestly. These things will help your hair either reach what ever length it grows per month as these things are stimulating your scalp or putting vitamins in you.

Jul 14, 2013

Kelsey W.

I heard this stuff works great for growing out hair, I just got it today so I don't know if it works yet.

Jul 14, 2013

Adrianna M.

There was this video that I saw about good tips to help your hair grow longer. It was aimed towards curly hair, but it can work for straight too. It was on this girls YouTube page, and her name is Alexandra G. I think.

Jul 14, 2013

Adrianna M.

Here's a screen shot.

Jul 14, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Thanks every one!

Jul 14, 2013

Chey D.

A good thing to take is biotin. It's for your hair skin and nails. Also I have a skin care line and I make an invigorating scalp scrub its an old rastafarian recipe great for promoting healthy hair growth. You can email your info if you would like a sample.

Jul 14, 2013

Dakotah O.

Kelsey I take fish oil and I have noticed a little difference...I have been taking it for two weeks. I think it's working at least. So Jocelyn you could try taking fish oil :)