What to wear for the first day of school??


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Jul 14, 2013

Melina Shay R.

Either clothes or makeup I'm starting 7th grade. I NEED HELP!!

Jul 14, 2013

Daija C.

I think a good FDOS outfit is ripped skinny jeans with gladiator sandals and a really cute top

Jul 14, 2013

Anna S.

I just finished seventh grade! For makeup do something very natural and then ease into it a bit more as the year goes on so just eyeliner very close to the lashline and natural maskara I recommend maybeline mega plush and a tinted lip balm also a little blush.

Jul 14, 2013

Anna S.

For the outfit depends on the weather if its warm try jean shorts my school has a dress code but I'm don't know about yours and a cute blouse that has some color in it or a skirt that's high waisted with a cropped t shirt.

Jul 14, 2013

Natalie A.

If its hot that's day I would wear a skirt that's high waisted and a crop top. They have good clothes at urban outfitters I buy most of my outfits from there if its warm I'd wear something comfortable but really cute I would wear floral jeans with a cute shirt and a sweater that's short in the front and long in the back.( Kmart) :)

Jul 14, 2013

Natalie A.

Great clothing websites. 1: pink nation.com 2: forever 21 3: Nast gal 4:urban outfitters

Jul 14, 2013

Hannah-leisha M.

I just finished 7th grade. For clothing, go with something casual. For example; skinny jeans, a flowing tank top and long necklaces/chains(not too many. 3 tops)

Try to keep it natural. Concealer, mascara, tinted lip balm/gloss, a little liquid liner. Check out some beauty gurus on YouTube. I would suggest Michelle phan, taliajoy18, macbarbie07, krazyrayray, seirramariemakeup