Cow-day!!! July 12.


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Jul 12, 2013

Grace K.

That's a lot of work for Chil fil a lmfao.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

Oh boy I bet you'll get a lot of interesting people just trying to get some free food. Lol.

Jul 12, 2013

Alma M.

Its cute its their promotional thing they do.

Jul 12, 2013

Dana H.

Chick FIL a is worth it :'3 even though I don't support what they do

Jul 12, 2013

Deanna C.

Haha that's cool. We don't have one yet but my city is in the process of building one downtown. Dressing up for sure next year!

Jul 12, 2013

Laura N.

I don't eat at chick fil a. I do not support that company at all.

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

Post pics of anyone you see! I'd like a laugh today :)

Jul 12, 2013

Victoria A.

I agree with Laura. I love their chicken but after they openly came out as anti gay I don't eat there anymore. I now believe they are a bunch of overly religious assholes.

Jul 12, 2013

Sara D.

I respect their right to advocate traditional marriage. If they were supporting gay marriage there would not be so much hate aimed at the company. Why is it ok to express opinion only if you are in support of gay marriage? Expressing their opinion doesn't make them overly religious assholes...

Jul 12, 2013

Laura N.

Sara- thats your opinion and we have ours. I refuse to support something so close minded and ignorant. I am not hating on Christians just the fact that everything under the sun will make you burn in hell. my mother is gay I will not support something that says she is dammed to hell for her lifestyle. FREEDOM!

Jul 12, 2013

Deanna C.

I agree with Sara. I am bi and have plenty of gay family members. I've never eaten there but that is only because we don't have one here in Santa Rosa. Next year we will have one and I will be eating there. I respect everybody's opinion, not only those whos opinion agree with mine.

Jul 12, 2013

Emily W.

I don't eat there because I don't think a fast food corporation should have any political opinion. I disagree with their principles (they are a Mormon company) and I think it is disgusting to deny a group their civil rights on the basis of a religious belief. But, I digress. Good chicken, but I still won't eat there.

Jul 12, 2013

Heather Y.

BOYCOTT!! Fuck that company! Sorry, if my sailor mouth offends you :D.

Jul 12, 2013

Sarah H.

Then yall should probably stop getting gas at Exxon mobile, going to wal-mart, shopping at urban outfitters, and donating to the salvation army because just like chick-fil-a, they are in support of anti-gay rights and traditional marriage and are religious companies and corporations. Do your research ladies.

Jul 12, 2013

Emily W.

I don't shop or donate to any of those except Walmart (and I only shop at Walmart because I can't afford any of the other grocery stores here). I do my research and stand by my principles, except when I have absolutely no other choice.

Jul 12, 2013

Laura N.

Well good thing I don't do any of those except occasional walmart for tampons at 2 in morning. they can provide me something to bleed on. yall have a good day :)

Jul 12, 2013

Rosanna B.

LOL @Laura

Jul 12, 2013

Patricia P.

I've never ever eaten there and not bc of all the controversy I just never bothered to go to that restaurant

Jul 12, 2013

Bree B.

I don't like their political position and I'm a vegetarian. Sarah H, I don't shop at UO after I read the owner gave money to Rick Santorum's campaign.

Jul 13, 2013

Vielka R.

It's not wrong for them to advocate their beliefs the same way it's not wrong for gays to advocate their beliefs. Double standard much?

Jul 13, 2013

Vielka R.

I so agree with Sara D.

Jul 13, 2013

Laura N.

I'm not saying its wrong to voice your opinion. I am saying that I find it childish to not be open to ways of life. also, my mother is gay so it kind of hits home. so I, I being the keyword here miss, choose, oh thats another good word, to not support a company that to me is ignorant. So whatever, say what you will. I'm all for freedom. I just choose to follow some sides.

Jul 13, 2013

Emily W.

Its not wrong for an individual to advocate their beliefs. To me, it is wrong for an individual to use their corporation to donate millions of dollars to a political cause. I just don't think it is right. I'm a conservative, but that's one of the biggest things I disagree with other conservatives about.