Teeth problems and freshman year!!


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Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

Okay so I'm going to be a freshman next month and I'm still losing baby teeth!!I had a tooth pulled last week that's one tooth away from my front teeth...it's pretty noticeable, but anyways it wasn't loose or anything...it just wasn't ever going to become loose if it wasn't pulled...how long will it take to come in??

Jul 12, 2013

Ashley D.

It may take awhile depending on the person , but no one will care so don't worry. I have seen some people with their canine tooth pulled, but I think it was their adult tooth so it won't grow back, but no one cared.

Jul 12, 2013

Nadia A.

Do you already feel a tiny bit of the tooth?

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

@nadia not really...I just had it pulled a week ago..

Jul 12, 2013

Nadia A.

I agree with ashley, no one will care and and I'm sure the tooth would be almost done growing in by then anyway! I'm also going to be a freshman next month..so good luck! I'm scared lolll 😁

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

Thanks for your help guys and good luck to you also!

Jul 12, 2013

Ashley D.

We will all be freshmen together, lol.

Jul 12, 2013

Dimple N.

Madison, I have the same problem.. I still have a few baby teeth but I lost some last year and nobody seemed to care that much! I'm going in ten this year so I knows how you feel, but trust meh, err'thang gonn be alright <3.

Jul 12, 2013

Nadia A.

Aw Ashley you too! GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE lol 😊😊

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

@dimple thank you'

Jul 12, 2013

Cassidy R.

I don't think anyone will care. Good luck you guys!! I was a freshman last year :)

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

@cassidy good luck as a sophomore.

Jul 12, 2013

Cassidy R.

Thank you Madison :)

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

@cassidy anytime!:)

Jul 12, 2013

Madison S.

@ashley I'll try not to...thanks!

Jul 12, 2013

Domenica C.

It will take a while :/ buy no worries. Eventually it will grow.:)

Jul 12, 2013

Alyssa C.

Don't worry! I am going to be a freshman too!

Jul 12, 2013

Naney B.

I have the same problem.

Jul 12, 2013

Jenna E.

I have always been EXTREMELY slow to lose teeth. And I had to get braces but I needed to lose all my baby teeth first. I didn't want to have braces in high school so I had them pull my last 6 baby teeth and then get my braces on. 4 of the teeth are now grown in and have brackets on them but 2 haven't grown in at all. It has been a full year... My ortho says he may have to poke holes in my gums to help them come through. So it depends on how fast your teeth grow but I would say 1-2 months. Unless you have some teeth like mine which may never grow in... Ugh.

Jul 12, 2013

Katherine T.

I'm missing 5 teeth and I'm going to be a freshman too, no one really cares if you're still losing baby teeth tbh lol.

Jul 12, 2013

Kalyn H.

I can't really say I know how it is...I loved pulling out my teeth so they were all gone by the time I turned 10 lol, butI'm sure nobody will care(: you're beautiful!

Jul 12, 2013

Zeema V.

Omg that same thing happened to me when I was a freshman and it literally took like the rest of high school to grow in lol. It was in front but kinda to the side so it wasn't that noticeable but I totally just forgot about it until someone pointed it out but it wasn't bad at all.

Jul 13, 2013

Madison S.

Thank you guys so much...you've made me feel more confident!!