I need help ladies...


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Jul 12, 2013

Linda R.

So recently I started getting these little bumps on my cheek and forehead. They're slightly red and they bother me a lot. I don't want to put on Foundation to make it worse I just want to get rid of the bumps. My husband says he thinks they are from the heat like a little heat rash but I've had heat rashes before. I don't think that's it.

I was wondering if any of you ladies have experienced this before. If so what do you do to make them go away...?  :-/

Jul 12, 2013

Linda R.

P.S I don't usually ever have acne. It's very rare that I have acne maybe occasional zit every few months. Doesn't seem like normal acne to me.

Jul 12, 2013

Emma d.

Yes this is from the heat, I have it too right now. I just put vaselinelanette cream on it, you can only get that at the pharmacie. and it works soooo good! but just put something on it that doesn't dry it out.

Jul 12, 2013

Tiffany B.

I agree , looks like a heat rash. Hope it goes away soon.

Jul 12, 2013

Tiffany B.

Maybe Aveeno products might work , helps when my skin gets irritated.

Jul 12, 2013

Linda R.

Thanks ladies! Every little bit helps right?

Jul 12, 2013

Linda R.

Ima go to the store in the morning and pick up this stuff! Thanks luvs! <3.

Jul 12, 2013

Amber R.

Seems similar to something I had recently. My skin was fine but suddenly my shoulder had small bumps like this. Could be a different face wash, something you have ate or drank, or even heat like your husband said x

Jul 12, 2013

Tiffany B.

Hope it helps...

Jul 12, 2013

Hana A.

If its not a heat rash it might be clogged pores. that happens when you skin can't breath and gets clogged into little bumps on your skin that feel like a pimple. if it is I got rid of it with epiduo prescription however you can buy and astrigent with salicylic acid and it will go away with time(:

Linda R.

Houston, Texas