Just Got My Belly Pierced (:


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Jul 12, 2013

Shelley W.

Don't go swimming in a river/lake/ocean for at least 6 wks as you don't want it to get infected from the yuckiness in the water. Its essentially a open wound per se. I made that mistake and it became infected (pus and swelling that made it feel like it was on fire).

Jul 12, 2013

Karen S.

Ouch! oh God thank you for letting me know! one question, can you put rubbing alcohol on it? to clean it?

Jul 12, 2013

Erica K.

Clean it twice a day with soft soap antibacterial cleanser. Mine was red at first but has been great for 9 years

Jul 12, 2013

Hali H.

I used sea salt mixed with water. I just put it in a jar and the jar would suction to my stomach to soak it

Jul 12, 2013

Erica K.

Also I didn't even know the piercing had happened. It was completely painless :-)

Jul 12, 2013

Shelley W.

NO!! Do not put rubbing alcohol on it. An unscented, clear antibacterial cleanser is fine to use. Alcohol is great for some things but not for a piercing. My husband is actually looking in my home office for that brochure that I was given years ago because it was pretty great.

Jul 12, 2013

Felicia A.

Got mine done about 10 years ago. Love finding cute new belly rings!

Jul 12, 2013

Hope P.

I'm a certified body modification artist and agree that you should definitely NOT switch the jewelry for 2 weeks or until healed. People have different skin types. The general way of cleaning would be to wash your hands with a non scented antibacterial hand soap (dial), rinse hands and repeat, this time apply the lather to your belly. Make sure it is nice and lubricated, then slowly and carefully move the jewelry up and down so the soap can enter the piercing holes. Rinse with cold water and pat dry with a clean paper towl. Repeat 2-3 times daily, according to your schedule. A sea salt soak can be done once a day, as to not dry out the piercing. Add a pinch of organic sea salt (that can be found in the spice section at any store or at an organic store, by volume), into 1 oz warm, distilled water. Soak a cotton ball in the solution and compress onto piercing until the heat turns cool. Remember to NEVER touch this fresh piercing with unclean hands and DO NOT move the jewelry up and down while it is dry! ONLY when washing. Be very careful while sleeping, changing clothes and avoid strenuous exercise and loofahs ( for bathing) until the piercing is healed. I know this seems like a lot of hassle, but it becomes routine, just like brushing your teeth and is well worth it, when you see the healed result. P.s I know it's summer and you want to look cute at the beach but its very important to avoid chlorinated pools and natural bodies of water like lakes, rivers etc. you don't want to expose it to any bacteria! Hope this was helpful! I'm sorry your piercer was unable to provide you with proper aftercare instructions.

Jul 12, 2013

Samira S.

I have one. Not going to show you ;) but use sea salt daily! Use no bacterial soaps in the shower and in the begging of my piercing I cleaned it 2/3 times a day :)

Jul 12, 2013

Angela W.

I want one! I'm scared lol... and my tummy kinda flabby haha.

Jul 12, 2013

Sierra W.

I have my belly pierced and I never regret having it:)