How honest are you allowed to be when commenting on blogs/pictures?


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I'm not very proud to admit it, but there have been several occasions when I've wanted to write a very harsh but honest comment on blogs or pictures of nail polish swatches or nail art because it just was so terrible. Last night I showed my husband one of these photos and he said:

"Haha, what is that? Where's the WTF-button?"

These photos belong to girls who obviously are trying (even though you might not believe they do sometimes...) and who am I to judge others' work? I'm not the best nail artist out there by far, but at least I keep my nail designs off the cuticles, and try to take the best photos my camera allows me to take. I try and make my work look the best it can, and it makes me wonder why other people don't.

So again, how honest do you think one is allowed to be when commenting? I'm scared of hurting someone's feelings and also getting into fights with moderators or admins, but I can't help getting almost insulted sometimes when I see a crappy looking swatch, polish all over the place and a really bad taken photo. Awh, man, this sounds so vain... Sorry if I stepped on someone's toes now, but yeah... I'm just wondering, really.


Jun 5, 2012

Tori W.

I wonder if there is a balance between the WFT comments and some constructive hints? I know I am not the best skilled with my make up but I love playing around with my nails and eyes and when I post a photo I'd be happy if someone commented and was constructive as it will help me improve. There are some photos I have posted when I first joined and look at now and think 'why did I post that, it's terrible' BUT by looking at other peoples photos and the advice in talk section and the articles I know I can do better and they have helped me improve. I too have seen photos that I’ve wanted to comment on and give advice but I’m not qualified to do so, perhaps you could help with some tips? As long as we are supportive and helpful I can’t see why people would have a problem. :)

Hey guys! Just jumping in... I think that as long as you're being nice and respectful, you should be able to state your opinion. I would like to read some honest criticism on this website once in a while.

I'd gladly give people constructive criticism, but I fear most people can't handle that either. Unless you sugarcoat things people seem to try and read things in the most negative way... but yeah, maybe try and tell people kindly that polish is supposed to be on the nail bed and not on the cuticle ;) Thanks girls.

Jun 5, 2012

Tori W.

Emelie- LOL pretty essential to paint the nail not the finger :)

Jun 5, 2012

Catey P.

You'll just have to find the right balance for yourself. I think that, if someone can't take constructive criticism, then they shouldn't post pictures on the internet. At the same time, be sure that the criticism isn't TOO harsh.

And there's something I've had to think about for myself a lot lately: Why do you feel the need to comment on something you don't like? Why give it your time and attention? Do you think that your comments will help the person do better, or do you want to feel better about yourself by tearing someone else down? I'm not saying you do this (I don't even know you!) but it's something I've had to become aware of in my own life.

Jun 5, 2012

Ayanna P.

There's a way to be respectful and still be honest. Be honest about what they did wrong, but throw in helpful info as well, if you can. If they take it the wrong way, that's their problem, not yours. 

Jun 6, 2012

Nichole W.

my opinion, u dont have to say anything at all. if its to help out then say "maybe you should try this". dont hurt someones feelings and tell them how horrible their work is. maybe they are proud of it. not everyone is perfect! 

Tori, my point exactly :)

Catey, I would never say anything to hurt anyone on purpose. And so far I haven't commented on anything I don't like, because I'm afraid that I might hurt them. My dilemma is whether or not one should comment on these things: would I help someone in the right direction, or would it just tear them down?

Ayanna, technically there is no right or wrong when it comes to the arts, but I totally get your point. And all I can do is hope that if I was to ever post any constructive criticism that people would take it the right way...

Nichole, I have never stated that people must be perfect, and it would never cross my mind to do so. I was far from perfect when I started out, and I still am. So far, like I said, I haven't commented on any of the photos I find bad, just because of what you point out: they might be proud of their work. And I would absolutely never tell anyone their work is 'terrible', even if I might find it terrible. I don't want to be an asshole ;)

Jun 6, 2012

Veronica S.

I think as long as you tell them, "hey I'm not trying to be mean but if I can tell you what I think..." and then tell them from a place of helping them like you said Emelie J, if you feel they may get hurt then I think not posting anything is a good idea. personally when I put my work up I'd like critique to be gentle and if it isn't I have to learn to be okay with the fact that everyone has their own opinion and I don't have to take it personally because in the end its someone else's perception, Hope that helped :)

Good answer, Veronica. Thanks :)

If I feel that a more negative comment is needed, I try to find some good too. Like, "I like where you're going with that, it's a good idea" and then insert a helpful hint that points out what should be fixed and another way to do it so that they can improve without feeling attacked. Because, I know, makeup is a learning and experimenting process. And just like with any other art we all have different opinions. It's ok not to like everything, but I feel like a positive-negative-helpful advice approach would take most of the sting out of it.

Jun 7, 2012

Laura J.

I'm 100 % honest when it comes to saying something positive. But if I see something not-so-good-work, I just skip it. I don't leave a comment, either a negative or an advice etc. I just don't like that I guess :D I mean that some of my photos are pretty terrible because of the low-quality but that's also because of my bad camera and right now I can't afford to a better one but I still like to update my blog and Beautylish. Soo what I'm saying is that I don't like to say anything "bad" because the fault isn't always the person who's behind the camera. Hope you'll catch my point, haha. 

Brianna, that really is a good approach. And yeah, it really is a learning process...

Laura, you definitely have a point. Sometimes I feel like I'm too poor to be a really good artist, because it seems so many are relying on good equipment, when the most important thing about it really is the actual artistry. (And just for the record, I really don't think your photos here on Beautylish are bad at all. One can tell that you do the best you can with the equipment you have at hand.) 

Jun 8, 2012

Autum D.

just be nice and respectful like someone else said. dont come out and say, "that looks horrible." lol. if they are doing something wrong make suggustions on what they can do to fix it. i would, and id also appreciate someone doing this for me. :)

Jun 8, 2012

Jackie S.

I have been wondering the same thing - all comments on pix/vids seem to be all rainbows and butterflies. It's crazy to me! I haven't posted any pix, mainly because of a lack of time (ha), but I know that when I eventually get around to it, I would love some constructive criticism!! So, if you ever happen to run across a future pic of mine, and think to yourself "Dang, that girl needs help" PLEASE LET ME KNOW.. because I probably DO need help! =)

Autum, I wouldn't ever say that something looks horrible (unless it's my own!)

Jackie, haha, I promise :)

Hating is uncool - nudging people in the right direction can do wonders. Well put, Terra (awesome name, btw!)
But yeah, messy things annoys me a little... 

Jun 9, 2012

Gabbi D.

I find that honest, constructive thought is good. It's one thing to say "You suck! Why are you doing this?" and another to say "Maybe you could try this..." or something to that effect.

I post photos and videos because it is part of my growth both personally and professionally...breaking out of my shell. I try not to upload totally lame looks, and try for the optimum quality I can achieve, but I post for myself, not for criticism. You know when something is not great but it may be the best so far, you know? We are all at different levels and I have learned so much just by being an active member of the community. My philosophy is, if it is awesome, tell them. If you don't like it, find something else to look at. If you don't have anything nice to say, maybe it is best to say nothing at all. But I prefer to see polish on the nail, too. Xo L

Jun 11, 2012

Hasini J.

i'm as honest as possible, but not brutal about it. if their polish is on their cuticles e.t.c., comment what you like about their work first (like the design or the colour) and then say 'however' and continue on to explain that they should try using a Q-tip dipped in polish remover to clean up around their cuticles. first say something nice, then go in with the constructive criticism. that way you get your point across without being too abash xx

I think we're all on the same page here, girls, and I'm very glad to see it. Most people seem to appreciate a "little nudge in the right direction", and no one likes being mean - so awesome. Thanks to everyone answering my question so elaborately, it really shows how awesome Beautylish and all its members really are! 

Andrea F.

Jun 17, 2012

Andrea F.

If somebody is ASKING for criticism or opinions, go ahead! But if somebody is just blogging or posting pictures on their own and you post a harsh criticism, I'd say that's bullying! Uncalled for.

Wow, Andrea, i never said I wanted to post harsh comments! I would never! Bullying is uncool, trying to make people sad on purpose is a behaviour I'll never understand. I've never posted anything harsh, I have never bullied because I know what it feels like. I hope you're not saying that I am? Accusing someone of that is just as uncalled for. 

Jun 17, 2012

Ai K.

I think as long as you're not saying "hey you suck, you need to stop now before you ruin anymore designs. blah bitty blah", that it's okay. Be honest, but do it respectfully. Something like "hey, I know you don't know me and my opinion may not matter to you. But I think your blog will get more traffic if you clean it up a bit. Make sure when you're taking pictures of your nail designs that you don't just use the first picture you took. Try taking around 10, then choose from the best one. Also, make sure before you take the photos that you've cleaned up any polish that's on the cuticle or out of place. It's also okay to start over if you notice it's not that well done. Again, I know you don't know me but that's just a couple tips I would give anyone. You're welcome not to take it if you feel you don't need to." Something like that. I rather get the honest truth, than lies to make me feel better. If it's going to help my blog or site, I would take it and depending on if I need to or not, I would act accordingly. So long as the advice and criticism was given respectfully.