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Jul 24, 2013

Zahra M.

No, it would defo suite you! Apparently it damages your hair... I don't know really I just did a quick research but ask your hair dresser all the pro's and con's first ❤

Jul 24, 2013

Lauren M.

Oh god it's soooo bad for your hair. I teased it, had parts of my hair bleached, and straightened it EVERY DAY for a few years. After a while I decided to just let my hair be... well, with the exception of dying it purple haha. :) I say color it and striaghten/curl it, but DO NOT tease it. I think my hair would've been so much healthier had I not teased it. Not to mention untangling it after takes ages to do, and if you get it wet (humidity, rain, whatever) it makes it that much harder. In the end it's your hair and your happiness and that's all that maters! :)

Jul 24, 2013

Kim B.

I used to have this haircut and style to,

And Lauren, I agree that it damages your hair, the teasing, but if you put leave in conditioners In your hair, than you might be able to keep your hair in good condition.

And for the untangling, I would go take a shower, put in loads of conditioner and brush the tangles out.

I hope these tips where helpful :)

Jul 24, 2013

Kim B.

Oh I forgot to mention that you should use the leave in overnight

Jul 24, 2013

Roz X.

If you're afraid, then maybe it isn't right for you. Just because something would look great on you, doesn't mean you would necessarily be comfortable in it. You also need to consider maintenance..which takes time and money. Not my particular style, but if that's what makes ya feel good, then go for it. :)

Jul 24, 2013

Lizzy M.

I agree with Kelley! Plus you have to straighten it everyday.
I'm not a fan of scene hair, I don't think it's really flattering on anyone and always makes me think of someone who is trying too hard. BUT, that is just my opinion, and I know that it's usually not the case. I'm sure you could pull it off so if you really want it, go for it.

Jul 24, 2013

Dev G.

You could pull it off! but you look gorgeous just the way you are:)

Jul 24, 2013

Elizabeth R.

No I did that way back when and I'm still trying to grow it out just get some short layers.

Jul 24, 2013

Beth I.

How old are you lovely? Cause I wanted to get 'emo' scene hair when I was about 14/15 but honestly you grow out of it, when I turned 16, I changed my hair to look more grown up. You'll be looking for a boyfriend, jobs and starting to begin the rest if your life! If you want a scene hair cut, don't make it drastic because you won't have it for long! Your hair is beautiful now, don't ruin it! Xx

Jul 24, 2013

Leeann J.

I think it's good to try out different things whatever you're age is :) but you should let you're hair grow a LITTLE more before changing it.

Jul 24, 2013

Grace P.

Yes you can pull it off.

Jul 24, 2013

Filio N.

I've tried once,it was cool and from year to year my hair got the perfect shape...I did it,it helped,so go for it girl;)

Jul 24, 2013

Lara W.

No! It takes forever to grow back out. Most alternative models with that hair just have short choppy hair and then slap some extentions in. also, it takes a lot of teasing and a lot of processing which kills your hair. You just can't do it without the teasing and chemicals and heat. My sources, experience. I've been through that stage, its just another part of teenage life. My advice is, stop trying to fit in to the outcasts xD kinda ironic sounding, but seriously.

Jul 24, 2013

Charlotte F.

You would look amazing with scene hair!

Jul 24, 2013

Lara W.

I eventually gave it up, dyed my hair brown again, and started trying to get it helthy again. Its still nowhere near healthy with all yhe treatments I've been doing since then.

Jul 24, 2013

Anna L.

You can soooo pull it off!

Jul 24, 2013

Tessandra R.

I think you can pull it off! :) and I think these scene haircuts would look cute on you :) no teasing needed.

Jul 24, 2013

Lara W.

@tessandra half of those have extentions and are teased at the fringe.

Jul 24, 2013

Tessandra R.

@Lara I know that, I was simply saying that you do not need to tease with these scene cuts. Some people with these cuts do tease the bangs but you don't have to, and it looks perfectly fine without teasing.

Jul 24, 2013

Dani F.

I have scene hair. My natural hair is to the top of my shoulders I wear 22" hair extensions. Sometimes. The bangs isn't hard to cut flip your hair to which ever side you like. Do always have to tease your hair. I just straighten mine an it looks teased.

Jul 24, 2013

Dani F.

*don't. And you just razer your layers.

Jul 24, 2013

Haley B.

I think you could defiantly pull it off!

Jul 25, 2013

Maya F.

I wanted "scene" hair when I was younger and please trust me when I say that I know that you want it now, but you may not in a few years and you'll be stuck with it. Also, you probably won't get that nice swoopy scene hair that you're looking for from a stylist. Been there done that. You'll more than likely have to modify what you get to look like those girls. They probably cut and razor their own hair (I know I do). I love my hair now, but I was never happy with my hair when I tried to do "scene" hair. It took me three years to be happy with my hair. Honey, it's a LOT of work and I don't want you to be disappointed if you can't get that hair on your first try. It's a process and I wish someone would've told me that when I wanted that hair. Just be careful :) <3.

Jul 25, 2013

Miriam S.

It won't look weird just don't get any strange colours.

Jul 25, 2013

Kaira H.

Omg, I'm having the same problem. I really want to have it cut scene, but I'm not sure if it will suit me well... right now I kinda just have side swept bangs but, I really want the high cut layers to make my hair big (: