Help with hair styling??


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Jul 23, 2013

Randi G.

My hair is about a little past shoulder length and wavy frizzy and can get major oily. What's am easy everyday thing to do to style it (ponytails are getting old!)

Jul 23, 2013

Desiree M.

I wrap mine up in a clip, braid, or a bun most days because I have an issue with frizz as well. If you use a lot of heat on it try to limit it, thatll help. As for the oilyness they make deep cleansing shampoos that help mine out a lot. For a quick fix on oil you can also try a little baby powder to soak some of the oil up.

Jul 23, 2013

Kaylee W.

Wash it every other day. The days when it's super oily use a dry shampoo. You can buy a defrizzer to calm your frizz. Then keep it natural.