Organizing Purses inside closet.


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Jul 22, 2013

Mani M.

Help girls, I'm organizing my closet (cus it's a mess lol) and I have no idea of how to put my purses in it without them taking so much space. How do you girls store them and what do you recommend?

Jul 22, 2013

Desiree M.

Mine uaually come in/with dust bags so I store them inside the bag and on a shelf but my cheaper purses just get hung on (their own) hanger. Kind of like yours. You could consider putting up hooks on your walls and hanging them that way but ugh, what an eyesore. I have a huge zipper bag, the kind bedding sets are packaged in, under my bed. I use it for shoes but you could use it for purses!!

Jul 22, 2013

Mani M.

Omg the zipper bag is genious!! I'll go find some asap... thank you so much.

Jul 23, 2013

Desiree M.

You're welcome honey!

Jul 23, 2013

Hadeeqa D.

I use this its a purse hangar but it's really just a long strip of velcro

Jul 23, 2013

Hadeeqa D.

forgot the pic

Jul 23, 2013

Mani M.

Whoa this is really great... thanks! :)

Jul 24, 2013

Hadeeqa D.


Jul 30, 2013

Courtney L.

They make these things called purse organizers. There kinda like a shoe organizer but its a color strip with plastic kinda of pockets to put your purses in and then you can also see what purse is in which slot and there's pockets on both sides of the color strip. I have many purses to I have a couple in each pocket. And before I found the organizer in the store I never knew how to keep the purses I'm not using from getting dirty so I fell in love.

Jul 30, 2013

Courtney L.

This is what mine looks like except mines zebra instead of white. Mine was less then five bucks and I have had it for a year with no problem so I think it's a great deal

Jul 30, 2013

Linda R.

Awesome! @Courtney where'd you get it from?

Jul 30, 2013

Linda R.

This is how I have mine btw on a 3 post wooden board that I nailed into my closet wall.

Jul 30, 2013

Linda R.

Lol there's a whole lot more than 3 purses on there lol I just noticed in the picture you can't see but 3 purses lol