Suggestions to combat humidity!


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Jul 12, 2013

Teri J.

Here in Texas, the summer is in full swing with intense humidity! My skin is slowly adjusting to it (breaking out less), but I'm looking for products that will only help! I typically wear Clinique tinted moisturizer, so I don't have to wear a lot of makeup with how hot it gets here. I have combination skin with an uneven skin tone in some spots, so I'll need some coverage, but I'd like some more suggestions that will help and not cause anymore breakouts than I already have. Please and thank you ladies!

Jul 12, 2013

Axita S.

Rub ice cubes on your face.. before make up n after you cum back.. this wii cause less sweating n add glow..

Jul 12, 2013

Axita S.

I live in humid area too.. so I carry some cucumber enriched wet wipes.. it just freshens up my face n absorbs the sweat n oil..

Jul 12, 2013

Ale V.

Ugh I hate the texas heat! 😖

Jul 12, 2013

Anmol A.

I live in Houston and I totally know what you mean! I use a toner before applying moisturizer and that helps a bit. Also, I think Evian makes a spray that helps freshen skin and keeping that with you and applying when you go out will help wigh the humidity.

Jul 12, 2013

Teri J.

Thanks lovelies! This heat really slaps you in the face, no buen. I'll have to try a few things and figure out what works best.