Curling short hair


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Jul 13, 2013

Ashley C.

I just got my hair cut up to my shoulders, it was down to my waist. I want to find a really cute way to curl short hair without making it look like an afro of curls!

Jul 13, 2013

Serena S.

I thought this girls hair was perfect

Jul 13, 2013

Megan S.

If you use a wand you can make some awesome curls! this was my hair a few years ago with a wand! (: to do her curls use a wand then break it up with your fingers!

Jul 13, 2013

Lauren C.

I did the same to my hair you can trying using a curling wand. it won't look Afro-y at all my hair is just a little past my shoulders now.

Jul 13, 2013

Jessica H.

I actually like to curl my hair with a straighter..this is the result I get with the straightener (:

Jul 13, 2013

Rachael M.

I love this. maybe rag yie curlers or even hot curlers

Jul 13, 2013

Ashley C.

Thanks! I think I got some ideas now :)