Golden ratio mask, how true is it?


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Jul 13, 2013

Alondra G.

Wow thats cool.

Jul 13, 2013

Karen L.

Were you get the app?

Jul 13, 2013

Karen L.

Wow nice :)

Jul 13, 2013

Kenzie L.

We are psychologically designed to crave balance and organization. renaissance artists like Leonardo The Vinci used this principle to create their masterpieces along with other geometric rhythms within their work.

Jul 13, 2013

Kenzie L.

The male celebrity is Tom cruise btw :)

Jul 13, 2013

Kenzie L.

*The Vinci

Jul 13, 2013

Kenzie L.

*The Vinci

Jul 13, 2013

Kenzie L.

Stupid autocorrect. I give up.

Jul 13, 2013

Carlissa T.

This is dope!

Jul 13, 2013

Ashley L.

I second what kenzie said.. I was watching on the science channel that we as humans are more attracted to symmetrical features that people have such as the celebs and you above, and that is what makes people beautiful to us- how symmetrical they are. Having this mammal instinct I guess, we find mates and then deduce how our offspring will look. Lol.. after all we are animals too. :))