What Is Your Definition of Beauty?


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Jul 24, 2013

Lauren R.

(Could be looks, personality, the human being themselves, nature, literally anything beauty can be anything and has no limits or boundaries) How would you define beauty to someone? In your own words please I'm curious :)

Jul 25, 2013

Molly R.


Jul 25, 2013

Savanah R.

Beauty is different in everyone's eyes. But I think true beauty is when someone gives up everything to make someone else's life better and do not think about themselves. Those are truly the most beautiful because it's on the inside. Outer beauty fades over time, but internal beauty lasts a lifetime<3.

Jul 25, 2013

Aim K.

For me, beauty is found in good manners. a polite person is always beautiful.
I think inner beauty reflects to outer beauty, always.

Jul 25, 2013

Angel O.

Beauty is being yourself, helping people feel better about them selves, and caring for other. Making some one laugh is priceless, because you know you put a smile on their face whether they are sad or happy... Having a good attitude and an attitude towards others makes you beautiful, you never know, being kind to someone can bring hope or brighten their day. Also an act of kindness, may be memorable to that person.

Jul 25, 2013

Maya N.

Being confident and loving yourself!! Be yourself, personality and all.

Jul 25, 2013

Michelle H.

Being comfortable with their physicall and emtional fualts and strengths strifing to be their personall best and loving their people with all their heart.

Jul 25, 2013

Sarah J.

I think beauty is a gift that not everyone has. some people are beautiful by their personality, or their actions, or their looks or can be a combination. but I don't think everyone is beautiful. they're a lot of horrid people in the world that are no way beautiful.

Jul 25, 2013

Lauren R.

Wow :) These are all interesting to read

Jul 25, 2013

Tara S.

While beauty has a definition, I don't think it's something that looks the same or means the same to everyone. I do think that it is something that we can hear, feel, smell, and taste, as well as see. Beauty raises us to the highest heights.

Jul 25, 2013

Tiffany D.

I've learned that beauty is being confident enough to really be yourself

Jul 25, 2013

Brittany H.

Beauty I think is like treating one self like a queen, not materialisticly but as if you are the greatest gift in the world has to offer so you should take care of yourself like so.

Jul 25, 2013

Bear C.

A woman who praise Jesus.

Jul 25, 2013

Sharon A.

Beauty to me is passion, success and talent.

Jul 25, 2013

Jes T.

Being happy in your own skin.

Jul 25, 2013

Brittany H.

I think selflessness is beauty. optimism is beautiful and with that goes mental strength. being able to handle what ever happens is beauty. and remembering that you can change the world or the day for at least one person by trying to be the best you can be at whatever you do...
seeing everyone as you see yourself and relating to them on a more personal level is beautiful to me as well. connections.

Jul 25, 2013

Kate B.

I respect natural beauty, girls that feel confident in who they are and to define their individual looks in their own way by makeup/fashion, I dislike girls that have stupid hair and the wrong makeup for the wrong attention but that's my opinion.

Jul 26, 2013

Jeanette A.

In being my self and giving everything wt out expect nothing in return.

Jul 26, 2013

Nina i.

Love urself, your kids , your Hubby , trust on God , don't ask anything in return, lov urself , thn you ll c the changes...
Allah bless you.. may you be happy ever :-)

Jul 26, 2013

Nina i.

Inner beauty is reall beauty

Jul 26, 2013

Dana H.

Physically-embracing one's features and learning how to work with them
Personally-being nice. Including people. Not think you're better than others. Heheh lol

Jul 26, 2013

Dana H.

Beauty can be anything. I can't define beauty because its such a vast topic. Maybe simply, beauty is being kind to others and loving oneself :) xo.

Aug 2, 2013

Jessica M.

In my opinion, beauty is not only what you can see. beauty is also personality, intelligence, confidence, sense of humor, charisma, good moral values, class and just being yourself. but I also think that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. what may be beautiful to me, may be ugly to others. its an issue of perception.