Biotin and Breakouts?!!


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I have had terrible eruptions on my cheek and chin for the last month, and I think I've linked it to starting a Biotin supplement. Nothing else has changed and I think it has already gotten better since I stopped taking it two days ago...I just wrote about this Has anyone else had this experience? It has just been such a significant change in a month that I can't imagine it could be anything else?!

You know what? Come to think of it... I think I had this exact same problem when I tried taking Biotin for healthy hair and nails. I did this back in high school, so I was naturally dealing with regular teenage skin issues back then... but this post reminded me of it. I haven't used it since. I have a bottle of it laying around in my medicine cabinet and I'm afraid to pick it up!

Maybe start with a smaller dosage? That might've been my problem.

I was so excited by the improvement in my nails happening so quickly that it took me a while before I realized what was going on with my skin. My face is clear but for two pimples, which may just be monthly. I used the lowest dosage recommended but I don't know if I even want to try it again. I guess I'd rather have short nails than acne!

Apr 24, 2013

Heather M.

This is for the 284736259 threads I see asking if 'Biotin is worth the money?' or 'What does biotin do?'.

For starters biotin (also known as vitamin H) is a b vitamin the our bodies produce. It aids in the metabolism of carbs, fats, and proteins, which is why people with a biotin deficiency will often take biotin supplements.
So, to all of you who are asking why you are gaining weight, or getting acne breakouts from taking biotin it's because your body ALREADY produces it, and if you don't have a deficiency you are pumping excess amounts of biotin into your body, which is throwing your system off whack.
Ask your doctor before taking any kind of supplement people.
