What do you think about tattoos?


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Dec 8, 2012

Rebecca S.

To me it feels like a scrape afterwords. Liner hurts the most. It depends on where it is being done. Right around the shoulder joint and ribcage are a couple of spots that hurt. Grit your teeth at the bad spots, pop some aspirin right after and have a beer. There's the endorphin rush too

Katy, you hate tattoos? Then I'm sure you'll LOVE this photo of Louis Tomlinson. :P

Dec 18, 2012

Gigi L.

I'm picky when it comes to tattoos.. I don't have any (yet) but I do like some of them. To me, a tattoo should have meaning behind it. It drives me nuts when I see young girls getting some ridiculous, cheesy, generic tattoo. 

Dec 18, 2012

Maggie M.

You only live once. Picky..yes but it's only skin. It's all about detachment from the physical aspect of life :) this still has some shading and such to be done..but it's only the beginning :)

i have about 36 tattoos now they are part of me and at color to my canvas but it is really up to you :) it is your body and if you are going to put something there let it be something you think is beautiful every time you look at it :)

Dec 18, 2012

Nohemi T.

they're amazing! I have 3 & plan on getting a bunch more 

Dec 18, 2012

Tia B.

I love tattoos, but I'm not old enough to get one yet. I can't wait until I can, though. I do have a strong opinion that each tattoo needs to be meaningful, and you should wait at least 3 years before you decide on a specific tattoo. I want to get a bird(towhee) somewhere, probably the back of my right shoulder or on the high end of my right breast. 

Dec 18, 2012

Neens C.

I have two and love them!!! I know I'll have at least one more. They are a form of art and tell a story, I think they're absolutely beautiful!

Dec 18, 2012

Lori J.

Honestly each person has their own opinions on tats. I have 6. My first is a heart with wings on my collarbone. It was my way of saying my heart flies free. My next was a blue and black tribal completely designed by my artist. The meaning, we both have male and female aspects. My next one was American traditional and it's a butterfly on my upper butt cheek for my mom. Who adores butterflies and classic tats. The next one I got is swirls with a ladybug walking to a heart. It's for my daughter. My ladybug. The next one I got completely for me and for ( in my opinion) beauty. I have a full rib piece of hearts starting with large purple stars going to small lavender hearts to blue light blue green lime green yellow and orange. They start under my arms all the way to where my bra stops. I couldn't see myself with out them now. They honestly make me feel beautiful. The latest is jack and Sally from nightmare before Christmas in a heart with zero behind them with a rocker that says simply meant to be under them. I love nightmare before Christmas and adore my thigh tat. I plan on getting many more. My boy has over 30 on him and he himself loves his. As parents we are not socially accepted and get a lot of dirty looks. Eh whatever. Tats are a personal choice. As for when I'm 60 in thirty years with saggy boobies and multicolored stars under them... Ill remember that those stars made me feel beautiful about my body.. They helped me accept myself and helped me stop fighting my eating disorder. Ill always know that I'm amazing!! You live once and your body is yours to do as you please with. I chose art! 

Dec 18, 2012

Katy M.

Tattoo are amazing as long as you pick something you think you will always love I have two my first on my foot and the other on my side from shoulder to just under my knee 

Dec 18, 2012

Lex F.

I like tattoos but I think you have to know when enough is enough. Also get something you'll always enjoy because when you're 80 years old, it will still be there when you skin is all saggy and your cool tattoo is not a stretched out piece of artwork

Dec 18, 2012

Lex F.


Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

I hate when people say "oh you'll regret it, or how is that going to look when your 80"

Umm I am not going to care what other people think of me when I'm 80. I don't care what people think now. For people who have tattoos that is the most irritating thing to say to them.

Dec 18, 2012

Monica K.

Tattoos are amazinnnng. I'm jelly of everyone who has any that commented on this thread lol. I'm 17, 0 as of right now because my parents aren't big fans of tattoos. But when i'm 18, i will most definitely have some. Or alot ;D  

Dec 18, 2012

Rebecca S.

Like these guys? Sorry it doesn't bother me

Dec 18, 2012

Lori J.

I'm with you Avery I'm tired of hearing "oh you'll regret it when your older" ha! No I won't. I love my tats. Oh and my 54 year old mom who has 10 loves all of hers to include her first one she got at 20 that still looks amazing with out a single touch up. When I'm 80 I think I'll have more concerns like my health.... Then tats. 

Dec 18, 2012

Tiffany D.

Here's mine I got it when I turned 19 and I absolutely love it and plan on getting more.

Dec 18, 2012

Olivia W.

I think quote tattoos are pretty

Dec 18, 2012

Rebecca S.

The old people comments get old :/

Dec 18, 2012

Natalie T.


Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

Tiffany is that supposed to be a take on Brody Dalles?

Dec 18, 2012

Kelly E.

I personally don't like them but it depends on what it is. Like if its some pretty word or words and they mean something then I like them

Dec 18, 2012

Stacey L.

They are hot! 

Dec 18, 2012

Tiff S.

Love love Iove them! Most have a meaning or a story behind them, a picture says 1000 words..I have 2 and planning my 3rd! I have an ambigram saying trust/faith which is my favorite! 

Dec 18, 2012

Avery M.

I get the whole 'meaning' thing. I have a few script tattoos that mean something. But my sleeve doesn't have meaning. It's just an expression of my love of art and all things colourful.