What do you think about tattoos?


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Dec 6, 2012

LaPorsha B.

@Lauren D.-I LOVE that ladybug on your foot!! That's gorgeous!

Dec 6, 2012

LaPorsha B.

In my opinion, tattoos are art and a way to express yourself. I have 10 tattoos and plan on getting more. People worry about what it's going to look like when they're like 60! Who cares! I'm pretty sure no "grandma" is walking around with her tank top and short shorts on showing off her tattoos from 30 years ago! I just think placement for a lot of people is the biggest thing. I personally want to be able to wear jeans and a short sleeve shirt and have people to think I'm tattoo free lol but underneath my clothes, you'll find my whole back mostly tattooed, tattooed feet, and etc. I do have one small tattoo a want covered up but that's not stopping me from getting more! You live and you learn. My husband loves when I get tattoos and he doesn't have ANY! When I have more children and grandchildren, I want to be happy and proud when I talk about why and when I got a certain tattoo. 

Dec 6, 2012

LaPorsha B.

Just know that everyone is not a fan of tattoos and that you may receive nasty looks and/or comments from people in this world. I feel that tattoos are still a taboo topic even in 2012! Everyone is their own person and expresses themselves how THEY want to do so. 

Dec 6, 2012

Alice H.

@Emma, forgive me if I'm interpreting your post wrong, but why would you say especially on women? It seems that if you dislike tattoos, you dislike them on everyone. I don't get why gender has to be part of it, unless you're saying that tattoos are "unladylike" or "masculine" or something of that nature.

Dec 6, 2012

Caitlyn B.

I think white ink tattoos are "prettier" and would be better for me as girl who likes things a little bit more subtle. But I haven't been able to find a perfect one. Definitely don't want to settle but I'm getting impatient!

Dec 6, 2012

Ali B.

Their wonderful artwork but I'd never get one ever and I don't like them at all on people 

Dec 6, 2012

Regina L.

I think they look nice, but in 20 uhuh they won't be so pretty

Dec 6, 2012

Jessica S.

I have 7 and want so many more. My tats are how I express myself. All 7 have a meaning and so will the rest. But I agree ones on the neck and hands are a no no unless you're in a profession that it's not looked at like it's foolish. To each its own. 

Dec 6, 2012

Natalie T.

I love tattoos on everyone! Okay, maybe I don't love them all the time, but I appreciate them. I am a completely aesthetically driven person, so I don't care if the tattoo has meaning or is just an aesthetic art piece. I just like tattoos that look nice and interesting. I am EXCEPTIONALLY PICKY though and consider people's tattoos as the highest display of someone's taste level. I think tattoos have to be well planned out and executed flawlessly.
Tattoos I hate seeing:
anything lacking originality
text of any sort
butterflies, hearts, crosses, stars, etc
anything picked out from wall flash
poorly placed tattoos

My boyfriend is more literary minded than aesthetically driven and he is covered in tattoos he doesn't necessarily like visually, but loved the meaning of them and appreciates them as art because the artists who design his tattoos and the artists who tattoo him are given artistic liberty to interpret his crazy ideas. He's in his late 30's so he's had a lot of his tattoos for around 20 years. Him and his artists took fading and aging into consideration so there is only one tattoo he kind of wants to cover (his first tattoo), but the rest look good. Some things over others have faded a lot nicer though(large I Ching Hexagons are much better off than a detailed armband he has). He recently finished one sleeve and will soon complete his other, so getting them that late in life may being a nice roadmap for how they wil continue to age on him.

I do think displaying tattoos has a time and a place. My best friend wants to be an elementary teacher, but she went from having a quarter sleeve with wrist tattoos to nearly completing a sleeve during her "alternative modeling carrer." I love them and they look great when she's in INKED magazine, but I don't think parents of young children and employers of teachers will appreciate them in the workplace. We also live in Georgia/Florida and I don't think she's going to want to live in long sleeves. =/

I don't pay my bills or have a job, so my parents refuse to fund my tattoos. I have to appreciate that, its no problem. I do have a couple tattoos I got for free (which will probably be covered up one day). I don't live with my parents though, so they don't ever get to see them either so its no big deal. I WAS planning on working in the fashion industry where tattoos would have been permitted, but now I am becoming an embalmer and mortician. I want to be a facial reconstruction specialist and restorative artist, so I would mainly be working behind closed doors and not in front of any families we are serving. I would have to wear formal wear with long sleeves anyway (in front of the families), but either way, I won't be getting any visible tattoos until I know how the funeral business (owners) handle and receive tattoos around the funeral home and in prep areas when I start apprenticing next year.

Dec 6, 2012

Kacee S.

Love them and want them! Haha, that simple. 

Dec 6, 2012

Jordan W.

@Caitlyn white tattoos really don't last long. Most good artists would never do a whole tattoo in white. It's more for just adding in to tattoos.
And @Regina gosh this drives me crazy. Everyone's skin is going to sag and get wrinkled and old, at least I'll have some bomb ass art on my skin that I can show my kiddos. :) 

Dec 6, 2012

Robin C.

I've been thinking about getting a white tat but I have no idea what design!!

Dec 6, 2012

Natalie T.

Heck yeah, Jordan! old skin with art! That's how I see it. I was styling a fashion shoot for a tattoo magazine at this little tattoo shop and on the walls they had all these ancient photos of retired sideshow, freak show performers and the old "tattooed lady" performer was a jillion years old and she looked AMAZING! I can't find the particular photo online, but it was just an aged performer like this photo...

Dec 7, 2012

Jordan W.

Haha, Natalie you are just awesome. 

Dec 7, 2012

Danielle N.

I absolutely love tattoos! I don't have any just yet, but I plan on having one or two in the next 6 months (:

Dec 7, 2012

Alice H.

@Natalie and Jordan, I totally agree! Everyone starts sagging eventually, so why does it matter if you have tattoos or not? With them, you've got a whole story on you, plus they make you stand out!

Dec 7, 2012

Kristal D.

I love them ( I have 4)! All of mine have a special meaning. Just do your research and make sure you get an artist that is your style, understand what you are going for, and has a great hand :)

Dec 7, 2012

Natalie T.

right back atcha, Jordan, you're tattoos rule too!

Dec 8, 2012

Rebecca S.

Yeah Jordan!!!! They don't bother me on old people. Mine are my drawing collection. I have one half sleeve and plan on getting another next year. I like Neo-Japanese and old school tattoos the best. Japanese tattoos are very similar to ukiyo-e prints which I LOVE. I don't worry about what other people think of me and wear clothing that covers them at work. 

Dec 8, 2012

Jess D.

I have three so far (just small ones) and definitely want more. I wish I was brave enough for a chest piece or sleeve but working in a bank doesn't really allow for that kind of thing :(

Dec 8, 2012

Melissa F.

I think tattoos are awesome but on other people. I don't have any but I think it's a great skill to be able to make great pictures on the body.

Dec 8, 2012

Ally Z.

I think theyre adorable and let you express yourself. But think how it will look when you are 60. Your skin will be wrinkly and the tattoo will look terrible. Just something to think about.

Dec 8, 2012

Laryssa M.

Absolutely L-O-V-E them 

Dec 8, 2012

Lauryn L.

no offence to u guys out ther who like tattoos but I think they r not so good. when my mom got her first tattoo she said that it hurt a lot and if u want to get it removed it hurts even more

Dec 8, 2012

Caitlin S.

I love them I have 2 and want 1 more and neither hurt