What do you think about tattoos?


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Have several including a half sleeve. Love them, except for the one I didn't think through and had covered up

Like u Rebecca I have a half sleeve and also 3 others. I love each one and they represent something very meaningful to me. I don't get a new one until I've been thinking about the same one for awhile so I know it's one I really want. 

Nov 29, 2012

Grace M.

I'm not completely against, but I don't really like them! Like maybe a small one on a foot is cute. Or if they have a really good meaning. Like I know a lady that has baby feet on her ankle because she had a miscarriage <3

Nov 29, 2012

Debbye J.

just the thought of my tat is still disturbing... when i was 19 i got a Scorpio tat since i "took pride" in being one, right behind my left ear so the whole world could see it smh. Now im 25 and i wouldnt think of getting another tat. i dislike them for me and im stuck with this silly tat forever. 

Nov 29, 2012

Pamela D.

I love them! I'm planning on either getting VVV for Veni Vidi Vici (I came, I saw, I conquered) on right side of my left ring finger or fully written on my upper back. 

Nov 29, 2012

Becky W.

i have 8 stars on my right wrist and each star represents a member ov my immediate family and i want more 

Nov 30, 2012

Jessica G.

Love tattoos!! I have two and I can't wait to get another one :) they are so addicting. I have a pretty big one on the lower left side of my back that's a flower and says "stay beautiful". And I have an Infinity symbol on my right foot with some writing. You won't regret getting one! 

Dec 1, 2012

Anna H.

Love! Can't wait to get one

Dec 1, 2012

Nunu S.

everyone changes throughout life and when ur "in the moment" you do things you wish you didn't when you were young and in that specific phase of your life. tattoos are cool but they are PERMANENT. my advice: take a lot of time growing or get one after a job interview lol. as a professional, I am NOT a fan of that type if needle!

Dec 1, 2012

Alexis K.

I am absolutely in love with my tattoos. I almost have a full sleeve and I think it's beautiful. I never took the time to really think through m tattoos, I just would think if something I really wanted and get it but they all hold a lot if meaning for me. I think that as king as a tattoo hold meaning it's a good idea. Don't get something random just to get it because one day you will look at it and wish you hadn't done it. 

Dec 1, 2012

Z M.

Not my thing...I don't like the idea if random images or quotes awkwardly placed on my body. It's also not very professional looking especially if you are considering such working environment 

Dec 1, 2012

B F.

Love them it expresses your inner self! Your body is a canvas <3 I have "la vida Es Bella" Spanish for life is beautiful on my right hip !

Dec 1, 2012

Huda A.

Small coloured tatoos are pretty on girls and the black ones look good on men but doesnt suit everyone 

Dec 1, 2012

Irene C.

I agree that the tattoos have to be well thought out... If not your sure to hate it later on. Ive heard so many horror stories... One thing you want to do is NEVER get something just because its a trend... If you saw a picture of it on google or something dont get that exact one... My advice is find your tattoo place walk in there with an idea but see what the artist can add or take away or even do something totally original for you... Theres nothing worse than getting a Tatt and then seeing someone walk passed you with the same one... Its like going to prom with your awesome dress but some other chick walks in with the same one... Not Cool!!!

Dec 1, 2012

Monique Y.

love them I have two n plan on gettin more I have a butterfly on my lower back when I was 15 n I have my friends name who passed away on my wrist see I get stuff that has meaning to me not jus whatever next I wanna get my baby boys feet tattooed on me :) 

Dec 1, 2012

Violett J.

I love love ! Here are some pics 

Dec 1, 2012

Violett J.

And this on my hip 

Dec 5, 2012

Nora W.

I think tatoos can be awesome or really bad. I personally dont have any ( because I am totally scared of needles and pain, and because I cant think of anything I would want to have on my body for the rest of my life.) I think that now, more than ever, tatoos are becoming socially except-able. I see so many young women that are tatted up and look so gorgeous and sexy. I hate to be lame, but the one thing that I think about is tatoos in relation to aging. I think about what tatoos that look sexy on someone in their 20's or 30's will look like as the person ages. I'm sure many people continue to rock the look, but I feel if I had any major work done (especially large pieces or pieces in certain areas of the body) they would either make me feel/look ridiculous as I got older, or just aesthetically look bad as the skin ages/stretches with age, weight gain pregnancy etc. No offense to any one who is tatted, as I said I really admire the look on others, I just wonder how a sexy young chick in her 20's is going to look/feel in her 40's,50's or 60' as a mom or something with flabby arms sporting full sleeves. 

Dec 5, 2012

Catherine D.

Want one. Think placement is important.

Dec 5, 2012

Ally D.

If they mean something, great. But I personally dont like sleeves or huge tattoos.

Dec 6, 2012

Hannah S.

I wouldn't get a big giant one that everyone can see, because it can make it harder to get a job and I wouldn't want my grandchildren to ask why I colored on my arms one day once it becomes sagged and distorted....

Dec 6, 2012

Lauren D.

I love tattoos. I have two of my own and I definitely plan on getting more in a few years. I want to avoid my arms as much as I can, but I do plan on using all the large real-estate on my back, thighs, etc haha. This was my first one

Dec 6, 2012

Mystina R.

I think they are cute. Personally for me I don't want any. For girls I don't think you should have full body fatties though . I leave that to the guys lol

Dec 6, 2012

Rebecca P.

I'm so thankful that I've never gotten one. I thought about it when I was in my early 20's, but decided I didn't have to be like everyone else. If I did, I would've regret it. I think younger women love them until they see how their bodies change later in life and what babies do to them and they realize tattoos are with them no matter what. Cute butterflies aren't so cute when they're sagging. 

Dec 6, 2012

Courtney O.

Love tattoos <3