Hair growth tipss:):)


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Jul 20, 2013

Lauren N.

What are some tips to help my hair grow faster here's my hair length.

Jul 20, 2013

Alissia H.

I just did a thread about how to grow your hair so I'm Going to copy paste it so you can see it! :)

There are many things to make your hair grow, but what I have found that helped me the best and actually saw results was...

1st - purchase some prenatal pills from your local store (you don't have to be pregnant to use them)

2nd - get about 10-20 pills and put them in a small bag.

3rd - once the pills are in the bag begin to crush them up until they become powder looking.

4th - once they are powder looking put them in your shampoo bottle.

5th - after they are in your shampoo bottle shake really well.

• When you're in the shower doing this process I would 1st wash your hair DO NOT rinse off the shampoo just yet, Let it sit in the rest of your shower (so put it up in a pony tail or clip) & do the conditioner last.

• The shampoo with the prenatal pills may smell a little and change the color of you shampoo but that's okay because your hair won't smell since you will condition it last.

I hope this helps for all of you who are struggling for your hair to grow!

Alissia 🎀💕

Jul 20, 2013

Lauren N.

That is very interesting thanks so much

Jul 20, 2013

Alissia H.

No problem :) glad to help.

Jul 20, 2013

Amanda L.

I'm taking biotin pills and I love it!! N drink a lot of water!!

Jul 20, 2013

Pua K.

Buy an olive oil based oil for hair thats how my hair grew out that mutch and its loong almost to my butt.