Trying to cover up scars.


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Jul 16, 2013

Megan W.

About a year ago I fell and split my head open right in the arch of my eyebrow. So it makes me look like I've tried to slit my eyebrow like 'chavs' do! I try to draw over with my eyebrow powder and pencil but its noticable as it dints in , I could have surgery on it to make it less noticable but before I go through that pain , does anyone know any tips?X.

Jul 16, 2013

Izzie B.

Bio oil? I'm not sure of it would work but you could try xxx

Jul 16, 2013

Megan W.


Jul 16, 2013

Kaitlin S.

Honestly... Embrace it.

Jul 16, 2013

Cheyanne B.


Jul 16, 2013

Megan W.

What do you do with the lemon chick?X.

Jul 17, 2013

Megan W.

Ik I shouldnt laugh but aw at the cat ^X.

Jul 17, 2013

Megan W.

Aw hehe X