Should I start wearing make up?


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Jul 16, 2013

Danielle V.

So I don't really wear makeup.. I use some eyeliner occasionally but that's all! So should I start wearing make up and if so what kind & style lol.

Jul 16, 2013

Betsy N.

I think a bb cream and some concealer and lipstick or lip gloss is fine. Oh and mascara would look good on you :) hope I helped.

Jul 16, 2013

Melissa S.

I'm only 14 and I just use foundation, liquid eye liner and mascara. It really depends if you're ready or want to start wearing make up. If you do, you should start off with a natural style and as time goes on, change your style the way you want. Hope it helps(:

Jul 16, 2013

Danielle V.

Thanks y'all :) and I'm 14.

Jul 16, 2013

Dana M.

If you want. It's your own personal decision.

Jul 16, 2013

Keren C.

At 14, playing with different eyeliner techniques, mascara, and eyeshadows are fine. But I think face products like foundation and blush just makes it look as if a kid is trying to look old. You are still really young with beautiful fresh faces and lovely complexions. Don't ruin it by covering it! There is no need for that. Imperfections are especially cute on younger girls, it gives a lot of character and shows signs of growing up into the beautiful ladies you are meant to be. I also think you should NOT mess with lipsticks. Just colored glosses and light lip stains. Once again you don't want to look as if you are trying too hard.

Jul 16, 2013

Lauren M.

If you feel like you want to wear makeup then go for it! If not, then don't feel pressured into wearing any! Only do what you're comfortable doing!

Jul 16, 2013

Danielle V.


Jul 16, 2013

Jasmine W.

I honestly think.. all you need is eyeliner.. mascara.. and eyeshadow... but if you feel your skin isnt clear enough.. try some foundation!  ")

Jul 16, 2013

Pau J.

I am 15 amd I normally don't use makeup I prefered wearing it in special ocassions, but maybe you should wear makeup if you feel comfortable with it