Should I Get Hair Extensions?


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Jul 19, 2013

Lenzi H.

I am thinking about getting hair extensions! Where or which brands should I choose from and are they hard to take care of?

Jul 19, 2013

Megan W.

Theyre not hard to take care of at all I wash mine about one time a week because they're real hair! But if your going to get some think about if your hair would be able to blend cause when mine are straight you can tell sometimes that I'm wearing extenstions, but when I curl all my hair you can't tell, its hard to blend them in if your hairs thick , and I use like a tangler teezer as if you use a ordinary brush it can pull your extenstions and nott them X.

Jul 19, 2013

Lenzi H.

Thanks Megan, what brand or where do you get your extensions?

Jul 19, 2013

Megan W.

I get them from a warehouse because my cuz is a hairdress' don't know name of extenstion but look on youtubeX.

Jul 20, 2013

Jaqueline G.

Foxy locks or Lush Locks. Good luck! & :) hope this helps.