What are some easy ways to grow out hair?


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Jul 19, 2013

Emily F.

Tricks, recipes, anything?

Jul 19, 2013

Alissia H.

What I may tell you may sound weird but it totally works! Try using horse shampoo, you can find this product at wal-mart for no more than $7. I highly recommend this😁👍

Jul 19, 2013

Marylin T.

Shea Butter! :)

Jul 19, 2013

Sara W.

1. Drink about 6-8 glasses of water a day
2. Invest in a good heat protector if you're going to be using heat
3. Only trip split ends when necessary
4 don't condition your roots, your hair will look greasier and you'll have to wash it more often which strips your hairs natural oils
5 rinse only using cold water

Jul 19, 2013

Sara W.


Jul 19, 2013

Natalie C.

Egg yolks. If you have a Pinterest, you can search ways to grow out your hair on there-- they have all sorts of masks and tips. Hope this helps!

Jul 19, 2013

Emily F.

Thanks everyone :)