What do you think of this shirt? It's an emergency!! Like a 5 minute emergency!


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Jul 19, 2013

Melodi G.

Do you like this? I need to know what you guys think in like the next 5 minutes! Please hurry!

Jul 19, 2013

Alyssa S.

It's cute why are you wondering?

Jul 19, 2013

Azia R.


Jul 19, 2013

Melodi G.

I have to go out and I bought it last year at Catos and I have never wore it.

Jul 19, 2013

Alyssa S.

What's the occasion

Jul 19, 2013

Melodi G.

Eh… nothing really. I wanna look cute though. Lol. I have to go get a new phone because this one is broke… it keeps vibrating and freezing.