Hair Relaxing Or Keratin Straightening Treatment Reviews.


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Jul 18, 2013

H P.

I have been reading about hair relaxing as well as keratin straightening treatments.. but all I read is different opinions on different sites..
if anyone on here has had any hair straightening treatments before... can you please suggest as to which one should I go for? I am very tempted to get my frizzy and dry hair under control.. but I am not sure which treatment to choose.. as I read in more than one website about girls complaining of hair fall after such treatments...

Jul 18, 2013

Patricia P.

I've had a brazilian blow out. It doesn't leave your hair pencil straight but after showering it doesn't have that crazy fizz. It looks like you have a blow out but without the volume. Its supppse to last 3 months but after the first month it started going back to normal.

Jul 18, 2013

Basma F.

I get my hair keratin treated every 6 months and it does leave my hair pin straight but I'm not sure what kind does the beauty salon uses cuz they never tell you what kind they use.. but thank god my hair did not fall out or anything but yhe only thingvis that ny hair doesn't go back to being curly only the new growth so if I want to go back to my natural curls I should cut off all the treated hair.. but for me I actually straighten my hair all the time so that's not a ptoblem for me =D hope I helped.

Jul 18, 2013

Josephine B.

I just had my hair rebonded yesterday at a Korean hair salon. I get it done every 6-8 months. The process goes like this: the chemical breaks the natural bonds of your hair, then stylist flat irons hair in tiny sections to straighten it, and then another chemical is added to 're-bond' hair to maintain the straightness. Hair tends to get brittle after the procedure though, so you might need to get hair treatments every 3 months.

Jul 18, 2013

Jessica T.

"Rebonding" is the same as relaxing. Both are very aggressive methods for achieving straight hair. Brazilian blowouts are essentially the same method as keratin straightening. The healthiest option would be a keratin treatment, all brands are basically the same so ask your stylist about it.

Jul 18, 2013

Helane P.

I have pretty curly hair ,so I got the keratin straightening it lasted for about 3 mnths n the roots have just started going curly but overall I'm happy with the keratin straightnin I'd do it all over again

Jul 18, 2013

H P.

Thankyou for your suggestions... might go for keratin straightening to begin with... I had hair straightening done about 7 years back (I was really stupid to get it done by some inexperienced people cause it was cheap)..not sure which one it was, lasted for about 1 year.. but I had massive hair fall problem after that.. after lots of regular oiling and massaging my hair is better now.. so I feel skeptical about such treatments..
would really like to give a mild treatment a try.. I am bored of the frizz and dryness and I use hair straightener very rarely coz of laziness and to avoid heat on hair (maybe if I have to attend a wedding or something) so a pony or bun are my only hair style options at the moment...

sorry for going on n on.. I appreciate your input, ladies!! :)

Jul 18, 2013

Lu F.

Bit late to the post but I've had a brazilian blow dry done a few times, and I've also done my friend's hair for them. My hairdresser used QOD gold, and I used a QOD organic one and also a kit bought from Amazon (UK site). I have to say, although the organic keratin treatment vastly improved my hair's condition (I have really thick, unruly hair!) the one I bought from Amazon has had consistently the best results, my hair looked lovely for a good few months - not poker straight but tidy, if that makes sense. Plus, the product itself smells like chocolate, which is a bonus!. If you can afford getting it done at the hairdressers I would do for the first attempt, just so you get a feel for how to do it. After that, try doing it yourself, honestly, it is not hard, just time consuming!!

Good luck x