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Jul 18, 2013

Nicole R.

I always have to have my hair up for work and school. It's started to cause a LOT of breakage and I need some quick and easy ways to put it up without damaging it any further :( I already keep it down at home and in town when I can. My hair comes down to about my shoulder blades and is SUPER straight. Any help?

Jul 18, 2013

Megan R.

Make sure to use hair ties and never the elastic, also make sure it's one with no metal pieces on it

Jul 18, 2013

Megan R.

Hair scrunchies are good

Jul 18, 2013

Michelle B.

You could try clipping it up.

Jul 18, 2013

Nicole R.

The hair ties I have don't have metal. I've tried clips before but my hair is so slick it falls right out :(

Jul 18, 2013

Juliana A.

Perhaps try braids or a small donut bun

Jul 18, 2013

Rachel W.

This I have all 4 products. and my hair is. amazing.

Jul 18, 2013

Dina U.

Hi I'm a cosmetologist. get rid of the hair ties! start doing top knot buns with 4-5 bobby pins instead. it will take some practice getting it up this way but it will go a long way in keeping your hair breakage free. I have massively thick hair and only need to 2 for a quick bun, but really using more than 6 is over kill.

Jul 18, 2013

Lizzy W.

Scrunchies are the best! My hair tangles very easily and they have been a lifesaver.

Jul 18, 2013

Danielle B.

^ Dina - I'm a cosmetologist also, not everyone's hair will stay up with bobby pins. Mine definitely won't unless I use like the whole box AND like half a can of hairspray. She has thin hair that won't even hold a clip so I know hers won't hold with pins.

Just use hair scrunchies and don't wrap them too much. Like make sure it doesn't feel like something is pulling on your scalp and use a large hair tie or scrunchie. Never wrap it around more than twice.

Jul 20, 2013

Dina U.

I have massively heavy, stick straight hair and it holds jist fine. the trick is learning how to put the pins in correctly. most people don't know how to put them in right, I rember seeing a youtube video that did it right. ill look it up and post it for you ladies!