Suggestions For Lashes Falling Out!


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May 2, 2013

Kristen H.

Hi ladies!
So I have about 15 lashes left on my one eye! They all fell out & I am in serious panic mode.
I don't pick at my lashes and I remove my mascara basically every night. Do you know of reasons this could happen?
Right now I'm using rapid lash for regrowth and Vaseline. Do you know of anything that works quicker and helps them stay once they do grow back?

May 2, 2013

Jodie A.

I think it's worth a trip to the doctors because it could be an underlying condition. However, I use Rapidlash and it works sooo well. If your lashes aren't showing any signs of regrowth in a few weeks I'd get it checked as there's probably a reason. Sorry, not much help :(

May 2, 2013

Jacqueline H.

I have an OCD that causes me to pull on my lashes when stressed, and I used Latise, and it worked well. It takes about a week and a half to see results if the lashes have completely fallen out. I've also read that castor oil applied with a q-tip or the vitamin Biotin can help, too.

May 3, 2013

Kristen H.

Thanks. I have an appt soon at the doctors so ill bring it up. I can see little stubs for them starting to grow.

May 3, 2013

Nrmf A.

I dnt know if this can help you...every night before I sleep I used to put (pure petroleum jelly protectant apollo brand) try to use make up remover to take off your don't sleep if you still have maskara in your lashes...have big effect to the lashes and eyes..sorry not much help dear..

May 3, 2013

Nrmf A.

try this