Being Indecisive About My Hair Color.


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May 1, 2013

Shannon G.

Sorry no makeup lol about To go to bed should I just stay brown or should I go to this again.

May 1, 2013

Shannon G.

I'm kinda sick of my highlights lol

I think you'd look great darker brown.

May 1, 2013

Tiffany D.

Both look great but I personally like the highlights better :)

May 1, 2013

Justina C.

I like the first pic a lot! you look nice :3 what do you feel more comfortable having? btw you look amazing without makeup! today I didnt wear any and felt so naked lol

May 1, 2013

Kristen L.

I think both look beautiful. I particularly like the highlights though. But if you really wanted to be bold, you could dye the tips of your hair a different colour, like an ombre style.

May 1, 2013

Shannon G.

Thanks lady's!! Well I actually always had funky hair before but since my wedding is this septemeber I kinda wanna go with something that's more natural! :) and I don't want the highlights to look weird in my weddings pictures lol.