L'Oreal Triple Resist.


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May 1, 2013

Brittney M.

What do you ladies think of this shampoo and conditioner? Have you tried it? Does it work? I just bought it and am kind of skeptical.

May 1, 2013

Valeria S.

Hey Brittney! I bought it about a month ago because my hair gets a lot of heat appliance damage. It's nothing amazing...does make my hair feel soft, but I am still getting some breaking/falling hair. I guess it depends on your damage level, but the smoothness and smell are good. I use some argan oil after I shower and 1-2x's a week I do a deep conditioner and wash it out with semi cold water. good luck!

May 1, 2013

Brittney M.

Darn. You'd think 5 dollars a bottle at a drugstore level it'd be worth it. :/