How Do You Remove Your Facial Hair?


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May 1, 2013

Jazmin R.

Ok so I have a lot of little hairs by my side burns n down to my I'm scared to wax,thread shave whatever because I'm afraid its going to grow thicker! so have any of you girls have had any experience with this?

May 1, 2013

Sharifa S.

I have the same hair prob but refuse to remove it for the same reasons. I only wax eyebrows and upper lip.

May 1, 2013

Jenna H.

I always wax it s not as hard as you think it is.

May 1, 2013

Jazmin R.

Sharifa :( I know and its embarrassing..Jen h. really? I'm afraid to do it.

May 1, 2013

Sinéad K.

I had the same problem and when I did wax It ended up growing back so much darker and thicker!! I was so conscious of it that I tweezed it EVERY day and left marks on my face!! I eventually got laser and it was the best thing ever as it is completely gone now ;) but unless your prepared to get laser I would leave it alone and use facial bleach  xx

May 1, 2013

F F.

IDE recommend to thread it.. I have the same prob but depending on your skin waxing it may leave you with blotchy skin and sensitive areas and prone to break out ( another reason why I haven't done it) but IDE try threading as it won't adhere to your skin like wax and maybe try a small section and see how it goes:)

May 1, 2013

Brittany P.

I thread and I've never had a problem with it. Waxing my eyebrows or upper lip always broke me out. Plus, I heard waxing loosens your skin which causes wrinkles. Don't quote me on that, but I've heard that from many people and it does make sense if you think about it.