Would Lemon Damage Mt Hair?


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May 1, 2013

Kendra B.

Like..at all? and will it lighten it?

May 1, 2013

Helen B.

Heeey! erm, I have used lemon juice for years, and it never damaged my hair! :D I just mix about half and half of lemon juice and water and soak my hair and you have to sit out in the sun for it to work...always warm weather 75 or warmer for it to work :) it will add variation of highlights, its very natural looking! and if you add a bit of orange juice, then it will make warmer highlights with a reddish touch :)

May 1, 2013

Melissa W.

Would it work for black hair? :)

May 1, 2013

Karlee D.

It will help lighten if you go outside after but I would wash it right after.

May 1, 2013

Taijha M.

@Melissa, yup! I have black hair and the lemon juice left beautiful highlights!

May 2, 2013

Lara C.

Its supposed to dry it a bit... but nothing that can't be fixed. anywaysss I'd rather dye my hair naturally than chemically:P.