Honey Milk Facial Mask Does It Work?


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May 2, 2013

Emily T.

I heard if you mix honey and milk together to create a face mask it makes your skin smooth and gets rid of acne have you tried it does it work? I wanna try it soon.

May 2, 2013

Tori A.

I've heard honey is amazing, but unsure about the milk. My favorite facial is unflavored gelatin mixed with a bit of warm water. When you take it off, you can litterally see the results!

May 2, 2013

Liliana Z.

I wash my face with honey and milk on a daily basis and have seen more results doing this than using a cleanser from the store.

May 2, 2013

Dee A.

Nice iwant to try both masks :) how much of th milk & honey do you mix? &how long do you leave it on?

May 2, 2013

Liliana Z.

Dee just do it by eye. There's no correct 'measurement' just equal parts of milk and honey. When I cleanse my face I use a teaspoon of each. maybe for a mask a use tablespoon of honey and a teaspoon of milk so that the honey keeps a thick consistency and doesn't become runny from the milk. leave it on for about 15-20 mins.

May 2, 2013

Emily W.

Anything with lactic acid will help your skin (yogurt, milk, sour cream, etc). It helps with dead skin turnover and moisture retention. Real clover honey (not the artificial stuff in the bear bottle) is antibacterial and antiinflammatory so it will help with acne. It also contains small amounts of hydrogen peroxide, which can lighten dark spots such as acne scars. :)